
Can vampires turn or embrace someone?

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Can vampires turn or embrace someone?




  1. I'd answer this, but Lord Bearclaw just summed it up beautifully.

  2. Yes, according to Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, a vampire can 'sire' (turn) someone if that someone drinks from the vampire as well.

  3. what like control u . only if ur scared to death

  4. yes; according to mythology if a vampire is to allow a person to drink their blood then said person will turn.

  5. Cut and paste time, it's too much work writing this out for the nth time this week, so here we go. According to the legend, they create new vampires by either simply draining a human to the point of death, or by doing so and then feeding that person vampiric blood. In any case,

    there are no real vampires, because they don't exist. Period. There are no real vampires, undead, psi, sanguinarian, vampyre, or otherwise.The Law of Averages is pretty easy to apply to this one, not to mention the fact that there is NO scientific evidence of such, plus the fact that if vampires did exist, they would reproduce at an exponential rate, and would completely take over the planet in less than five years time. Do the math. As none of this is happening, the answer is logically that vampires do not exist. There are people who suffer from iron deficiencies, porphyria, hypersensitivity to sunlight, etc. all the classic hallmarks of vampirism, but are not vampires.

    Btw, for every self-professed "vampire" out there, you do realize you meet all the criteria for co-dependency as well as being defined as clinically out of touch with reality? And the educated ones should know better. I guarantee you that if I were to isolate you from all other human beings, you would not suffer any ill effects from being "deprived" of the human "energy" you claim to need. You also must realize that there is no scientific proof to back up your claims of energy or psi vampirism? And the ones with blood donors are even worse - deluding themselves into passing off an obvious sexual fetish as a physiological need. The human body is not designed to process large amounts of blood for nutrition - it just doesn't work that way. And yes, you're human - if I took a sample of your DNA - guess what? You'll be human, no "vampirical virus",no mutations, no alien lifeform, no altered chromosomes, etc. Trust me - if I isolated you from your "donors" and fed you a vegetarian diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fats you would suffer no ill effects. Why? Because you're not vampires. You just think you are - all it is is a psychological delusion born of perceived social inadequacies. For instance - look at all the self-professed female "vampires" out there - what do you think happens when they get pregnant? They go to the hospital, like everyone else, have blood drawn, get put on a special diet, etc. etc. - and suffer no ill effects, nor does their bloodwork show ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Eventually the truth of their reality sinks in and they stop putting on the white makeup, and the false fangs, and start going to soccer practice with their kids and hopefully living a normal life. When held to the light of truth the delusion starts to crack and cannot long be maintained.

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