
Can vegetarians eat baked beans?

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can vegetarians eat canned baked beans? i'm new so.?




  1. obviously answers like "yes if they are vegetarian are a bit condescending"

    any bakes beans without meat products just taste disgusting... its like pizza with no cheese!

    but if you add extra brown sugar it would substitute the lack of taste!

  2. Yes!


  3. Most baked beans are cooked with pork and include a piece in the can.  Depending on what kind of vegetarian you are, you could eat them and simply remove the piece of pork, or, Bush's has "vegetarian" baked beans which are obviously cooked without the meat seasoning.  They are very good, and of course beans are an excellent and needed source of protein in a vegetarian diet.

  4. look for organic baked beans. check ingredients so they don't have meat hidden in them.  also look into black beans...they're really good over rice! :0)

    In fact, there are LOTS of beans... Off the top of my head...pinto, adzuki, peas, red beans, kidney, garbanzo (chick peas)....and yeah. I know some of these aren't "beans"... I didn't put lima since I hate them...LOL

  5. eating canned beans is like going to hawaii and looking at the surf from your balcony.  get a six quart presto pressure cooker, stainless steel only, add 2 cups of water for every cup of bean, i like to blend pinto beans and black eyed peas, pressure up and cook for 35/40 minutes and you have actually cooked the most healthy food, combine with brown rice, season and you have vegan perfection

  6. Yes you can. I am not vegetarian, but my daughter who is blind is a vegetarian, and I take her shopping most of the time, so I look at a lot of labels. You need to look very carefully at the labels of whatever brand you get. Bush's Beans, like it has been mentioned, have recognized the vegetarian world and labeled their cans as vegetarian baked beans. They are good and I enjoy them too. Other company's make them but you have to look harder. And of course you can have the best kind, homemade. As mentioned, beans are one of your best food choices - whether you are vegetarian or not!

  7. You can eat baked beans.  They have vegetarian baked beans.

  8. Im vegetarian and I eat baked beans all the time there really good for you although they can give you gas but that okay the only thing that ever hurt is the ozone layer.

  9. bush's baked beans has vegetarian baked beans, i was in wal mart last night and saw them. i didnt get any cause i dont like baked beans so i cant tell you how they taste

  10. Yes, of course. Vegetarians don't eat animals, yet the bean is in the meat family, it's not an animal.

  11. If they contain no meat or by products, they sometimes say on the can. You can look at the ingredients. You can also make your own!

  12. Yes, its good for your health!

    Check this site:

    In India, BEANS are used to make great recipes in vegetarian soup, curry, cooked with spicy steamed rice and taken in volume! Its one of the finest vegetarian input in our WONDERFUL MOUTH WATERING VEG PREPARATIONS!

  13. Only if they warn the people around them that they may be subjected to a constant gas attack for the next few hours.

    Yes beans are good  for everyone including non vegetarians.

    Check the label though for some hidden "meat". And obviously, pork and beans, beef and beans, franks and beans etc are not okay for vegetarians. Some baked beans are marked "vegetarian". Look for those.

  14. Yes. Just read the label to make sure they don't have any bacon/ham or lard in them. Look for cans labeled as "vegetarian" or "fat free" and you should be fine.

  15. Yes - Spicy bean burgers are very tasty and Asda make Spicy bean & Nacho burgers and they are the best.  No other supermarket makes them.

    Although I do not know what Nacho beans are?

  16. yes they can and actually it would be very healthy if you did.

    beans are legumes and contain iron- this is good because meat has iron and since youve cut meat from your diet, legumes are a great substitute...

    baked beans are perfectly fine to eat- just make sure they dont have any ham/bacon in the sauce they come in...

    hope this helped

  17. yeah there is the baked beans vegetarian they actually say vegetarian on theam and you can find theam at walmarts there in the cans just like regualar beans and plus sence you new you might want to know at walmarts you can also find meals just for veggies there all with each other theyhave vegetarian ribs and burgers and chiken my personal favorite would be the chicken and ribs but the boxes are usually green and in the frozen area

  18. yes i have been a veggitarian for 3 years and my friend since she was 4. as long as there is no meat or isnt made with any meat products. be carfull though a lot of soups and stuff have a lot of hidden meat products in them though. it also depends what kid of veggitarian you are though. some eat fish and some eat chicken. i dnt either i do eat dairy and eggs though

  19. Yes.  Not "pork and beans" but "baked beans".  Bush's has a vegetarian blend.  Just read the ingredients for any animal products.

  20. yes, vegetarians can eat canned baked beans. Check out Amys Kitchen. Amys Kitchen carries delicious vegetarian food.

  21. It can depend where you are...

    Most (if not all) baked beans in the UK are veggie friendly, but most baked beans in the US are flavored with pork fat so you have to look for the special vegetarian ones.

    You will have to check the label...

  22. ofcourse. just check the ingrediants and make sure it is not cooked/flavored with any meat. I know alot of the canned kinds are usually flavored in Pork or something but i am almost positive they make vegitarian too.

  23. You can eat vegetarian baked beans.  A few national brands make them.  Most if not all other beaked beans have bacon.  Start reading labels.

  24. Vegetarians and vegans can eat canned baked beans as long as there are no animal ingredients.  Be sure to check for pork and bacon in the the ingredients.

    We eat Bush's vegetarian baked beans.  We just add a little brown sugar or some chopped onions if we have them.

    Try having fried smart dogs on good rolls and your favorite toppings.  Then you can have the beans on the side.  It's comfort food and it reminds me of lazy hot July days when I was a kid.

  25. Yes, as someone else pointed out, beans are a good source of iron. Also, by combining beans with grains (like brown rice, barley, quinoa, lentils, etc.) you get all the amino acids you need for a complete protein---without eating an animal.

    As many people mentioned, make sure the beans do not contain any pork or other meat.

    Personally, I would try to avoid canned beans (or canned food in general). By the time, the beans are put into cans, transported and sit on store shelves until someone buys them, most of the nutritional value has been depleted.

    Baking organic beans from scratch is the way to go!  Good luck.

  26. Yes just make sure not to get ones with bacon in them.  Most have bacon (or fatback or hamhock) in them but I'm sure you can get them without meat.

  27. Most canned baked beans, no.  They usually have bacon.

    Bush's makes vegetarian baked beans that are delicious, and I'm sure there are others.

  28. To stick to  a vegetarian diet you cannot eat most common name brand canned baked beans because they usually have a chunk of ham or ham fat in them.  There are several very good vegetarian baked bean options (even Bush's has one).  The most important thing you can do is read the labels of the food you are buying.  Hint: Be watchful for chicken broth and bases, especially in soups, rice dishes, etc.  It is often used for flavoring and I am still occasionally surprised at some of the food items that contain chicken or animal byproducts, (I even found it in a tomato basil soup and it's fairly common in broccoli cheese soup as well).  It also depends on why you've chosen this diet.  I have done so, and most do, because we refuse to deliberately contribute to the caging, mistreatment and slaughter of any animal, thus by not purchasing animal products we are each helping decrease the demand in a small way that adds up, like votes!  If it is the actual eating of meat and poultry you find objectionable then in this circumstance you can remove said chunk of ham and just eat the beans.  Best of luck to you, and welcome to the table!

  29. depends,there are many different types of vegetarian.eating beans is healthy for anyone, including vegetarians

  30. I do eat baked beans, especially Bush's baked beans. They come in vegetarian without that glob of bacon in it. They're really good, I like mine with chopped up veggie hot dogs in it.

  31. If you are asking if there are any animal products in baked beans, just read the label or ask the person who made them.  Baked beans are mostly beans and brown sugar; however, some people (and cans) lace them with ham or animal fat.  You have to read the label of almost everything you buy to make sure make sure you aren't getting contaminated food.

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