
Can vegetarians eat meat products?

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I want to become a vegetarian,and I`m wondering if vegetariand can eat meat products like milk,eggs etc.?




  1. Vegetarians do not eat any meat products, and this includes fish and chicken.  Someone who eats fish and/or chicken is considered an *omnivore*.  There is no pesco-vegetarian or pollo-vegetarian.  Those are contradictions in terms, Smittie.

    However, dairy and eggs are not considered meat products, and if you eat them and stop eating animals' flesh, you would be considered ovo-lacto vegetarian.  There are issues with dairy and eggs, however, and many vegetarians exclude them from their diet.  A strict vegetarian will eliminate all animal foods from his/her diet.  A vegan also eliminates all products of animal exploitation from his/her lifestyle.

  2. Vegetarians don't eat anything with a face (cows, chicken, pigs, etc.). But some, including myself, eat dairy products.

    Vegans are those that abstain from anything and everything that comes from an animal.

  3. milk and eggs are not meat products..they are animal products and may eat them if you choose to do so as they are not slaughter products.

  4. yeah unless u want 2 be a vegan

  5. Milk and eggs are not considered "meat products" since they are produced without (direct) slaughter.  Vegetarians make their own call on eggs and dairy.  Some eat both, some eat one but not the other, and some eat neither.

  6. there are 3 type of vegetarians.

    one is the vegans who eat absolutely nothing to do with meat.

    that includes butter ; milk ; cheese and eggs.

    next is the lacto-vegan.

    they do not eat meat,seafood or poultry.

    but they can eat butter, milk and cheese. BUT eggs.

    lastly, its the lacto-ovo-vegan.

    they do not eat meat,seafood or poultry.

    but they eat eggs as well as butter, milk and cheese.


  7. Yes it is totally up to you.

        *  Total Vegetarians eat only plant food. They do not eat any animal foods, including fish, eggs, dairy products, and honey.


      * Vegans not only omit all animal products from their diets, but they also eliminate them from the rest of their life. Vegans use nothing from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk.

        * Lacto-Vegetarians will include dairy products into their diet of plant food.

        * Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians eat both eggs and dairy products.

        * Pesco-Vegetarians include fish into their diets.

        * Pollo-Vegetarians eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck.

    Good Luck!

  8. Only recently was vegetarianism categorised like certain cultures vegetarians do not kill (anything with blood) to eat...that's the point of being vege.  So products like milk would be fine.

  9. Sweetie, milk and eggs are not meat products. Lacto-ovo vegetarians, like myself, include milk and eggs in their diet. We just don't eat dead animals.  

  10. yes..

    but not the meat!!

    good luck!

  11. There are different kinds of vegetarianism. For example, ovolactovegetarians can include eggs and dairy products(milk) in their diet. This is probably your way to go to keep protein in your diet if you dont like meat. Then you have semi-vegetarians who limit their consumption of meats but still have some once in a while if they choose (for example, if they don't eat red meat, they may eat fish or chicken here or there). Vegans have absolutely NO animal products-i.e.meat,dairy,eggs,honey, etc. Hope this helps!

  12. NO. They could selfclaim whatever definition to be, but slaughter by-products still strongly deviating the vegetarian philosophy.

  13. no, then you wouldn't be a veggie.  

  14. No meat allowed  

  15. yeah only vegans cant have stuff like that.  Like u can have cookies, cheese, milk, etc if your a vegetarian.

  16. Unless a medical necessity, there is no "can and can't" in a persons diet. However, vegetarians CHOOSE not to eat meat. Milk and eggs, which are considered non-slaughter products are a part of a many a vegetarian's diet.

  17. Vegetarians can eat anything they'd like. they just choose not to! HAHA

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