
Can very old gasoline be used?

by Guest65479  |  earlier

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Is it possible for 2 year old gasoline to be stabilized and "revitalized"?

What agent can be used to refurbish old gas?




  1. I can only speak from my own experience - I've stored gasoline for over a year, numerous times, and I have never had a problem using it in anything.  Once in a while I will use Sta-Bil, but usually not.

  2. You can use Stabil to help out some. I would mix it with new gas also.

  3. Not likely...old gas becomes stale and "varnishy" after sitting for a month or so. No way to revitalize it that I'm aware of other than re-refining it. Stabil or Seafoam products and other similiar ones help to keep gas from going sour if added before they do so.

  4. The only thing you can really do is add high octane fuel to is its what i did with my ski-doo if there was a bit of gas left. Sta-bil and other stabilizers are just used to prevent the deterioration of fuel it won't bring it back to new. gas usually only takes 60 days to go bad. and i think you'd be better off with just using all new gas.

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