
Can vicodin be taken while breastfeeding?

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I have BAD Gastritis and the only thing that takes the pain away while I am waiting for prolosec to kick in is vicodin-- I have an rx for it from before pregnany. Can I take it?




  1. If you can't take it while pregnant you probably shouldn't take it while breastfeeding.  Everything you ingest goes into the milk, that is why it is not recomended to smoke, do drugs, or drink while breast feeding.  I suggest you talk to your doctor about it and see if they have any other pain medication you can use or don't breast feed and switch to formula.  Good luck.

  2. my docyor prescribed me vicodin while i am pregnant its  fine but im not sure about breast feeding bc vicodin effects breathing and the baby isnt in the womb so i would pump.

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