
Can video cameras be used during takeoff/landing?

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I have heard that people can use video cameras during takeoff/landing. Is that true or are they still banned for use?




  1. In general situations, they ask you to turn off all electronic devices for takeoff/landing. So the answer based squarely on that would be no you can't use a camera during takeoff/landing. However, I believe they give you some examples on what needs to be turned off, cellphones, laptops, mp3 players. I guess some electronics are up for debate. Personally, I have taken pictures during take off and landing, and the airline did not care. (this may depend on what airline) I would go ahead and use a camera, the worst they would probably do is tell you to put it away. Until you reach 10,000 feet. Well this was my first answer ever for Yahoo Answers, hope it helped :)

  2. yes, all portable/hand held electronic items are asked to be put away. they made me put my camera away when taking off from PA, there was a nice battlefield i couldve gotten great pics of.. :(

  3. No. I just went on a trip. They don't care about cameras. Just don't use iPods, laptops, etc.

  4. I don't how the airlines feel about it but I can tell you it goes on all the time.  Check out the videos here, half of them are passenger views of takeoffs and landing:




  5. No they ask you to turn off all electronic equipment during take of and landing

  6. I've used them many times, I have never been told to put it away even though I'm a frequent flyer.

    They ban electronic devices because it may distract you to any potential problems or evacuation, not to mention to reduce the risk of electronic interference with radios, escape equipment, navigation equipment etc.

    Since to film you have to see what is going on, I don't think it really distracts you to any big problems and cameras don't emit any kind of signal.

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