
Can viruses mess up internet connections?

by  |  earlier

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Can viruses obtained (not by downloading) by going on dangerous sites affect ur internet connection? Because My computer, when i load a website, fails to load the first time, and then the second or third or fourth it works. Also, my PSP has a DNS error 80410416. I went on the same sites with both...




  1. yes  

  2. Yes.  (I really love this one, for viruses and general spyware c**p, it finds a lot, and it's free) (online free scanner, have to use IE not firefox to run it) (have found viruses with this also, but mainly just for cleaning up the registry and built up c**p on the computer after viruses are cleaned out -- run this after you run the other scanners, once for normal scan, then once for registry scan, keep running registry scan until it's fully cleaned).

  3. youve got the VERY DEADLY IE VIRUS by the sounds of things run kasperky straight away its the only sercuity witch can rid most of it  

  4. Yeah they can but I have noticed just recently with mine and all my friends connections , the internet is going slow, and the sites all need repairing.

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