
Can warm water give you distilled water?

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Can warm water give you distilled water?




  1. hey there are some more dead microorganisms and other chemical substances like sucrose and chlorine in the warm water. while distilled water is pure water.

    during distillation the impurities are left behind in the container while the vapor is taken as pure water.

  2. distilled water is done by boiling/evaporating water from a source, capturing the steam and recondensing the vapor into another container.

    What this accomplishes is any dissolved minerals and impurities are left behind in the boiling pot.  

    What may not be left behind are petroleum products.  If the water source is from roadway catch basins, the water will not be pure so it is important to capture water from a safe source like rain water or even tap water

    .........Crude oil is reduced to different types of fuels in much the same way......distillation, hence the name you may sometimes see "petroleum distillates"

    Distilled water is a "soft" water as any minerals that made the water "hard" were lost in the distillation process.

    Warm water can produce distilled water, but it will take much longer

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