
Can water be used to stretch gas? and if so how effective can that be?

by  |  earlier

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never had water in my tank, but seem like a car wouldnt drive to well on it, someone told me that the smaller gas companies may use water to stretch the gas at the pump




  1. Take a glass of water & drop a lit match in it> Nothing happens it's non combustable>water is heavyer than Gas so to the bottom it goes>

  2. water held in suspension in gasoline burns right along with the gas, it just yields a little bit less energy.

    But gasoline won't dissolve much a tablespoon of gasoline in a full tank.  Any more than that, will separate and collect in a layer at the bottom of the tank.  As the temperature rises, gas can hold more water in suspension, but the difference is tiny.

    There's just no way any company can profit by intentionally contaminating the fuel with water.  Ruin enough engines, p**s enough people off, you won't stay in business long.

    Now, gasoline that has been oxygenated with 10% ethanol can hold a good deal more water in suspension.  Until the temperature drops, then you get a substantial layer of water & ethanol under a layer of seriously octane-deficient gasoline.

    If you premix your oil & gas, the oil will stay with the gasoline.  If the bottom layer has enough alcohol to actually start the engine, it'll run like c**p of course, but more important, it'll be running with no oil.

  3. I would suggest putting water in your gas tank; however, there is a way to use water as a supplement to gasoline to help fuel your car and increase gas mileage.

    I've been reading about the different water for fuel kits on the market, and I found a very helpful site that compares some of these conversion kits.

  4. One difference between summer grade gas  and winter grade gas is the additives that are used to absorb the water that accumulates in the gas tank due to condensation. Every state has a water tolerance for the amount of water that can be in the gasoline as it is sold.

    So yes a gas station operator could "cut the gas", it has been done. If you suspect that it has been done file a complaint.

    I would not recommend adding water to a cars tank of gas. When done at a station it may be only 5 gallons to 20 per thousand gallons of gasoline. A table spoon of water is hardly worth adding to your tank. You would get better results adding a cup of kerosene.

  5. Total BS  even a little water in the gas tank will make it run like c**p.

  6. Water will not pass thru the fuel filter and the engine will eventually shut down completely.

  7. i agree with the first person bs it will run like c**p

  8. this person has lied to you, if it would work we could fill our tanks with the water hose lol

  9. No - don't do it.  Water in the gas will severely damage the engine.

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