
Can water make you drunk?

by  |  earlier

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My friend feels drunk after drinking some clear water.




  1. yes but only in large quantities it is actually a state of euphoria,

  2. no...

  3. UHHHHH..........

    dont think so.

  4. no...absolutely not...unless there is roofies in it

  5. haha...NO

  6. No... was there something in it???

  7. wtf h**l no its ******* water

  8. no

  9. your friend probably drank vodka, or a roofycolada

  10. Then she is really lucky and will have a very cheap college experience!

  11. did someone put something in that water?? 0_o?

  12. No but it can get u intoxicated

  13. o.<

    Water can't make u drunk lol, unless you "Spike It" =P

  14. No... I think not...

  15. are they drinking EVERclear?

    if no then i dont see why theyd be feeling drunk after drinking some water!

  16. As long as there is nothing in the water she should be fine. If you drink too much water it can give you a bad stomach ache and even cause death. Perhaps your friend is just trying to show off in front of people.

  17. maybe its vodka

    maybe they're acting

    but no you cant get drunk from water

    otherwise your friend would always be drunk because most of your body is made of water

  18. water can't make you drunk,

    unless you drink mass ammounts of it, where you CAN get very sick and have the same sort of disorientation as being drunk...and maybe even vomiting.

    you CAN poison yourself with water.

    also, water isn't always clean, so they could be having a reaction to a chemical or mineral in the water, or if the cup was dirty...then from the cup.

    not to mention, the possibility or someone putting something in the water.

  19. The answer is no.

    The reason why alcohol makes you "drunk" is because a chemical in it travels up to the brain after ingestion and inhibits the nerves, therefore slowing reaction time and compounding judgment.

    Water, however, all goes into the metabolic processes of the body. None of it acts as a neural inhibitor.

    Obviously your friend's drink was spiked. Or maybe it wasn't actual water, like H20 water.

  20. water can reactivate the alcohol in your blood system after drinking

  21. uhh... no.

    But I was watching the news, and they said that they have found some drugs in the water.

    Maybe that's it...?

  22. No not by itself, however there is a possibility that you can drink too much water and get swelling in the brain, its called water intoxication, your friend should be careful.

  23. yes, actually. its not drunk like if you drink alchahol, it just makes u hyper if you drink a lot.

  24. Someone probably put something in the water without them knowing.  Thats bad.

  25. what was the temperature of the water?? if it was very cold, like around freezing, the effects of the water would or could temporarily approximate intoxication, ie brain or ice cream freeze up of her metabolism, if shes a diabetic, give her some oj asap

  26. she is completely weird. you can't. just don't drink to much, ur body could drown in it and u could die. thats it, no drunk-ness, shes a r****d

  27. I think if you have to much in your system you can become dizzy.

  28. no water cannot make you drunk, but if you drink too much of it you can die from it. just like if you drink too much alcolhol

  29. YES, if you put enough bourbon in it.

    Your friend is acting drunk. It is sort of like hypnosis. I can act drunk, too and, in fact, have done so in plays.

    The other possiblilty is that your friend has so much alcohol STILL in his system that when he drinks anything, it acts like alcohol.

    An alcoholic, for instance, can smell whiskey and get light headed.

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