
Can we add this to the list of misleading claims by AGW proponents?

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It turns out that Greenland's ice melt is NOT accelerating:

This despite the effect of the lava hotspots:




  1. Yes!

    Chalk one up for the truth.

  2. Refuted in the comments.

  3. I think it is very interesting that the AGW propaganda people are not only unwilling to accept documented evidence, they are completely unable to accept the facts on anything if it runs counter to their political agenda. We need to insert another piece of evidence here on a P-38 lighting fighter plane that was recovered from beneath the ice of a Greenland glacier.

    On July 15, 1942, a flight of six P-38s and two B-17 bombers, with a total of 25 crew members on board, took off from Presque Isle Air Base in Maine headed for the U.K. What followed was a harrowing and life-threatening landing of the entire squadron on a remote ice cap in Greenland. (See photo of downed P-38 from the "Lost Squadron.") Miraculously, none of the crew was lost and they were all rescued and returned safely home after spending several days on the desolate ice.

    You have to look at a clear fact here in this story that 35 stories of snow and ice had covered the airplanes over the 50 years between the day the planes landed there and the recovery of the airplane. And recent reports I have read say the ice is increasing over where the planes are buried and they need to wait until that increase stops before they can attempt to recover any others from the lost squadron.

  4. No you cannot add that to the list and yes Greenland's ice melt is accelerating.  Mr. Asher once again misrepresents a scientific study to propagate his own political agenda.


    Of course I am sure you are not interested in what a scientist thinks about his own research paper.  The interpretation of a political Internet blogger is much more valid than any scientist.

  5. Again, I'm flattered that you felt threatened enough to post a copycat question. Again, you tune out reality and grasp at what you think supports your narrow view.

  6. Yep, chalk another one up!

  7. The GRIP (Greenland) borehole temperature record is not a proxy, but a direct measure of temperature (Dahl-Jensen et al. 1998).  Despite it being warmer in Greenland for over a century during the MWP, the ice sheet did not melt completely.

    3000-5000 years ago Greenland was far warmer than today for three thousand years (Dahl-Jensen et al. 1998).  Again the greenland ice sheet did not melt completely.

    So yes, we can add the complete meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet as another misleading statement.

  8. No it is not. You are the one misrepresenting  the scientific findings. The scientific article (the site) does not say anything about rate changes, except that the ice sheet has begun to melt in recent years. It does not address te question at all.

    The other sites are not scientific reports and are not relevant.

  9. Yea, you don't hear anything about Greenland anymore.  I guess the data wasn't as bad as it was made out to be.

    By many of the believers accounts, Greenland should have been bare of ice by now, but there is more ice there now than there was 50 years ago.

    Why do people still follow this garbage?  Do they follow anyone who wears a lab coat?

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