
Can we adopt?

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me and my husband are both adopted ive found my parents and we are happy my husband dont want to look for his we have a baby boy and another baby on the way we both realy want to adopt in the future to give a child a life we have had coz we have our own children will it still be possiable,,,,,




  1. Please consider becoming foster parents instead.  Or, if you must adopt, please adopt through the foster care system.  There are, as I understand it, more than 100,000 children waiting in the US foster care system who need families.

  2. Of course you can adopt!  Many families have both bio and adopted children.  My kids are all adopted, and all three of them say they plan on adopting someday as well.

    EDIT:   Anastasia B, you really need to get some therapy for your attachment disorder.   Your anger and hostility on this forum are blatant evidence that you need help.

  3. i agree with ruby i cant see there being a problem with it best bet is to just enquire about it send ur local agency an email about ur life income and ask what the possibilities are

  4. I don`t see why not, sounds like a wonderful ideal to me.

  5. raise your own kids.  leave other people's babies alone.

  6. Adoptees adopting is truly just NOT the best course of action. We (As in adoptees)already have so many issues and to then adopt a child.. And being that both parents would be both an adoptee and adoptive parent, I don think its a good idea at all

    No I think be happy with the two you have and look at fostering or guardianship if you truly want to help other children

  7. good question babes me and my partner as we are lesbians can they allow us to adopt we really need a child we cant afford that sperm transfer thing can we get free adoption

  8. I think it's a great idea if you feel that you can raise another one! =] Every child deserves a chance to be happy whether it is yours biologically or not.

    Good Luck!

  9. yes its possible as long as u can afford to support them and its best to go through your local childrens aid society its alot cheaper then international adoption and there are so meny kids in foster care, orphanages!!!

  10. yes and good luck

  11. I also don't see why you couldn't adopt children. I'm adopted and have a sister that is the biological daughter of my Mom and Dad. We were both treated equally an given the same opportunities. = )

    Good Luck!

  12. I think adopting is an act of love to life itself!! There will be agancies that give "preference" to couple's that have no kids, but I personally think, its completley the opossite, you will give that child a whole family with parents and brothers and sisters, (by the way congratulations on your expecting!!), So i think they shouldn't decide. if you are certain you will love that child as your own, I don't see why you should't... Again i think adopting is the greatest act of loving... I admire people who adopt, and who give their own baby up for adoption.. is one of the most beautiful gifts life has to offer. And the more adoptive parents, the more loved kids, WITH a home. How many children you see at orphanages?? that is truly sad...

  13. You don't get denied based on whether you already have children.

    Its about your lifestyle, income, whether or not you can properly care for a child - being you already have children, that might even make it easier.

  14. yea yall can adpot

  15. Infertility and/or childlessness is not a requisite for adoption, generally speaking.  However, there are a few agencies with policies that only serve families with infertility.  (I saw one when I was researching.)  But there are plenty others that don't have that requirement.

    If you are considering international adoption, some countries may have requirements based on family size and/or infertility, but again, other international adoption programs don't require this criteria for adoptive parents.

    Good luck!

    ETA: Another Jennifer L?  Wow! =)

  16. You are an adoptee and you have your own children.  I'm a little surprised that you are interested in adoption.  I have found that adoptees are not very happy about being adopted.  Of course, they are happy that they are alive and that they were loved by their adoptive families (hopefully they were).  But feeling adopted is something they live with every day.  They wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy.  

    My soap box, as an adoptive mom, is that the world needs to understand what adoption is really like in the real world.  Most couples who make statements like yours are simply unaware of the reality of adoption.  They are buying into the fantasies being sold by the adoption agencies that babies are out there just waiting to be saved.  I usually don't hear that from an adoptee.  

    Please understand, I'm not putting you down for your desire to adopt.  I am merely making an observation based on what I have learned as an adoptive parent.  And, my sincere advice is to raise your own children.  If you feel the need to help other children, become a foster mom.  I did that.  I loved every child I kept, and then I grieved when they left me.  But I felt good that I was able to give them love and stability during a time when they needed it.

  17. I'm like you.  My wife and I have done both, we have adopted and given birth to a child.  Unlike the first answer I feel that if you have love to share then share it.  If you have biological children and want to adopt, then go for it.  Good luck and God bless.
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