
Can we all agree that 2008 is not U.S.A's year in the Olympics?

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I just watched Tyson g*y drop the baton in the relay, the softball team lost, and Lolo Jones tripped up over the last hurdle. Don't get me wrong, we are doing great in other sports but it just nothing is going right for a few of our athletes.




  1. It was a little sad.  I was watching one of the mens track races last night and first an American was disqualified for stepping on the line.  He would have won 2nd place.  Then they found that the third place winner, from another country, also stepped on the line and was also disqualified.  After this was finalized, US ended up with silver and bronze.  

    I think the US is doing fine.  Everyone has little trips, its probably just more noticeable this year because the Olympics are getting so much attention. (possibly because of China)

  2. with a couple of exceptions (we swept the mens 400 and the womens 200 hurdles, plus americans are 1st and 3rd halfway through the decathalon) the track and field portion of the olympics has been a disaster. but as someone else pointed out, we're still on top of the medal board

  3. Not doing well?!? We lead the medal count!

  4. Yes, USA leads in the LOSER's medal counts, while China leads in the WINNERS' medals.  Which do you prefer, to be king of losers or be the WINNER?

  5. Not the USA's year?  What country did a certain swimmer compete for and win 8 gold medals?  Soccer is hardly an American sport but the women just won that.  Gold for the U.S. in men's basketball is a forgone conclusion women's beach volleyball won gold as did women's rowing and that's just a handful of the gold medals not to mention all of the silver and bronze that our athletes have won.  We also had the oldest Olympian competing for us and she did amazing not to mention the fact that she's a real class act as are many of the athletes representing our country.  I didn't agree with some of the judging in gymnastics and I'm not even talking about just the American scores but those young ladies acted with class and dignity and instead of complaining and crying that they were robbed they took pride in their silver.

    I think that America is doing great with only a few exceptions, the softball team lost but had an amazing run that couldn't last forever.  I think we should be proud of how our athletes are doing in these Olympics.

  6. Yeah I really don't know what's up with track.

    Anyway, overall I'm proud of our athletes we are doing really good. And winning isn't everything

    TEAM USA!!

  7. No, that's not right. Track isn't the only sport that matters. It's one the USA is incredible at but not the only one by all means.

    Team USA has been phenomenal in other Olympics sports such as swimming, gymnastics, volleyball, water polo, baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, taekwondo, etc.

  8. Yeah, other sports have been pretty good but track and field has basically sucked. I hope we do better in London in 2012.

  9. I completely disagree, we're winning in the medal count.  We have more medals than even China, though they are untouchable in the gold category.

    But if we're winning, how can you possibly say that it's not our year?  It's so our year, we have nothing to bounce back from if we're #1!

  10. What are you talking about?  Just because three things did not go the way the US would have liked I would not say this is not the US's year.  We are still winning in overall medals and I will debate anyone who say only gold medals count.  Silver and bronze are great accomplishments.  Just look at what the US has done in Beach Volleyball and Basketball, just to name a few sports.

  11. Yes, USA is not doing well as we should but USA is still leading in the medal count. Amazing isn't it?

  12. I`ll agree that our track has been horrible but swimming, volleyball, and gymnastics has been pretty good. I dont think we have sucked overall. I love every bit of the olympics and believe our athletes should be appaulded for their efforts, medal or no medal. They all have worked so hard. USA USA USA!!!!

  13. China has been moving up the ranks in every Olympics and finally ranking number 1 this time around. I still think U.S.A is doing very well, look at Phelps winning 8 gold! That's amazing considering we only have 15 Gold medals earned by U.S men, that's like more than half of all U.S men Gold! The past two Olympics U.S won 36 Gold Medals each, we are currently at 29 and still time left to get 7 more, so I think we aren't doing that bad. I think Russia is the one dropping in medal rankings, but recently they have been catching up, so I think by the end of the Olympics they will surpass Britain in Gold and reclaim 3rd in the rankings.

  14. i think there are one or two track and field athletes that have choked a bit in their races, and i think some of the judging in the women's gymnastics was unfair towards the US gymnasts, but other than that we can't complain. we are leading the world in medals so we should be proud of that. you have to understand the pressure that these athletes are under and the fierce competition they are facing.  

  15. I agree. May be this time China has more gold, but USA will have more next Olympic.

  16. we have the most medals but china has the most gold

    this is the first olympics i really paid attention to so

    i guess not

  17. Not in the high profile sports. It is quite sad,  I do not think they  they are use to losing on the international level.

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