
Can we all agree that kyle was in best form tonight and deserved the win?

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Then hamlin stole the thunder from him by his actions and running his mouth in post race childish when he stated..;you throw a rock at me, i throw concrete block at you," then bashing brad k for racing attention was on kyle only until after his post race interview which I found to be gracious and really sincere,,,,,what a way to end a race with kyle trying to do burnout and bow to crowd and then all that taken from him by the fight in the pitts..What a shame, poor another snot nose fire to put out and his comments totally out of line!..He is not the only racer on track




  1. hmm..I thought we were going to give props to the race winner?!

    That sounded like an anti-Denny Hamlin rant to me..

    Good Job Rowdy!!!

    *sorry if I misinterpreted, but I lay the blame on all that c**p on the guys down in the pits, not on Denny Hamlin*

  2. this all sounds vaguely reminiscent of richmond, where nobody paid any attention at all to two of the most "interesting" things that happened on the track - clint bowyer accidentally fell into a win, and casey mears got stuck to the front of michael waltrip's car and no matter how hard he tried, michael couldn't push him off ;-)

    neither of those things will be remembered ... kyle and junior stole that show.  tonight, denny and brad (and their crews), stole the show, essentially eclipsing kyle's win in terms of fan attention. then again, it's getting to the point that kyle winning isn't "big news" anymore - it's becoming expected.  did anyone doubt that he'd win?

    he didn't, and that's why we love him.  rowdy called it before the race even started. i wrote down this quote exactly from the pre-race show.  shannon spake was interviewing kyle and asked him about his chances to stop the jgr (and the #20 car's) winning streaks.  kyle's response was nothing short of pure psychic genius, combined with his usual brash arrogance, with a smile ;-):

    "our shot's hopefully the best to dethrone joe gibbs, but hopefully those guys can continue their success and get a runner-up tonight."  then he flashed a smile for the camera and kept right on walking...  that's attitude baby.

    so, good job rowdy on the win, and congratulations on finally being granted the superpower of being able to see into the future... ;-)

    i'll save the denny-bashing for another question... ;-)

  3. my girlfriend watched the end of the race with me, and she was really surprised to see the little fight they had going on after Kyle won. Then we both just busted up laughing, when way in the background, you could see Kyle Busch doing his victory burnout, and they were ignoring the winner and showing the fight. There's some serious comedy in there, somewhere. But yeah! once again Kyle swooped.

  4. i dont think any thunder was stolen from kyle. if it was he can just go out and win again next week and get it back. denny hamlin is a great driver, keselowski s tarted something he shouldnt have and paid double for it. next time he just needs to not get so carried away.

  5. I don't necessarily care for Kyle, but the kid's on FIRE this year. I don't know if he can pull it off tomorrow, but he was definitely the class of the field tonight.

  6. no denny was right come on brad was racing crazy like and brad hit denny DURNING  a caution then denny retaliated which makes sense

    if i hit u ur going to him me right ?????

    i agree with the kyle busch thing though

  7. Every race has it's rabbit. This season it seems to be Kyle. He is untouchable it seems. He was good last night, no doubt, but I think he owes that win to his crew. They made the call for him to stay out on low fuel and old tires. The cautions saved his rear I believe because there were three faster cars behind him but two of them were playing tag instead of racing for the win.

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