
Can we all agree that one of us is right, and one of us is wrong?

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This is mainly intended towards Christians. However, I challenge all religious types to think outside the box for a minute.

Christians, if you are a true Christian this means you can not believe in any other god except your own. So lets take a look at muslims, we can both agree that thier faith sounds pretty silly right? Well now that you understand why you think other religions are wrong and delusional you should now understand why I think your god and all others are in fact fake. So my official question is, how can you be so sure that there is a god? Wouldn't the same reasoning behind the both of us understanding that the muslim religion is fake lead you to believe that yours is fake as well? Why or why not?

PS. If you plan to answer this question using a bible verse then please also include those versus' that talk about slavery, stoning of children, killing someone if they try to make you not believe in your god, etc, this way we can all see the truth of the bible and not just one side.




  1. I believe we can agree to disagree in a civilized manner.

  2. You asked one question, then followed it up with a lengthy "rant".  In answer to your question, of COURSE one is right and one is wrong.  Isn't that a rather DUH! question?  (Unless you believe there are no absolutes, then I would have to ask you if you were absolutely certain about that.)

    You want to talk about the existence of God.  You throw in smoke screens to confuse the issue.

    IF God exists (I'm allowing the "IF" word in this case, because that's the issue at hand), but if God exists, you can not redefine God based on your own misunderstandings of the Bible.  Rather, you try to understand the Bible in light of His revealed nature and character, so before I go too much farther, let me share with you a few things that the Bible specifically says about God.

    First, God is holy.  This means He has a zero-tolerance policy for sin (substitute the word "selfishness" if you want).

    Second, it says that God is righteous.  This means that God has never violated His holy nature.

    Finally, it says that God is Love.  The New Testament Greek word used for Love is "Agape" (pronounced "ah-gah-pay").  This is NOT the opposite of "hate", but rather it is the antonym of "selfishness".  You might define it as follows:  "Universal, unconcerned benevolence."

    With that in mind, go back and review those Scriptures you have problems with, and realize that you don't have the entire picture, that there is more to the story that you just don't have, and rather than trying to redefine God to your lack of understanding, try to align your understanding with what God said about Himself.

    Finally, let's look at your qualifications to categorically state that God does not exist.

    Let's start with a little physics lesson:

    A neutrino is the smallest particle known to man. It has zero mass and zero charge. It is expelled from a sub-atomic particle (proton, neutron, etc) when energy strikes that particle, and it exists only until it is reabsorbed by another sub-atomic particle. If this occurs within the nucleus of an atom, it's duration may perhaps be no more than a billionth of a second.

    Now then, for the sake of argument, let's just say that a neutrino is expelled from a proton in the nucleus of an atom within a molecule within your brain (which DOES happen, after all); and, for the sake of argument, within the billionth of a second of it's meager life span (which, again, for the sake of argument, let's just say that to the neutrino, relatively speaking, it feel like a full lifetime), if within that billionth of a second it declares that YOU don't exist (and one last time, for the sake of argument, let's just say that somehow you were actually able to "hear" this neutrino and understand what it was saying), then you would laugh at this foolish little neutrino and call it arrogant and presumptuous.

    In the same way, when YOU, a measly little finite, temporal creature that is so small that you can only be compared to a neutrino, (the neutrino is actually a million times bigger in comparison to YOU, than you are in comparison to God), and whose life span is but a breath that is here and then gone, then when YOU say there is no God, that is just like the neutrino saying that YOU don't exist. It is, at BEST, arrogant and presumptuous.

    It's not God who doesn't exist; by comparison, it's YOU who doesn't exist!

    What you need to know is that because of God's holiness, He must judge all people, and those who have sinned (broken any of His Laws), He MUST judge.  If God does NOT judge sin, then heaven would quickly become as corrupt as earth, and infinitely more so.

    But because of God's Love, He doesn't really WANT to do it, but He will.  

    Therefore, God, not wanting ANY to perish in h**l forever, decided to take things into His own hands.  He came to earth as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and never committed a single sin.  Then, He literally became sin FOR us, taking our place and trading places with us by dying on the cross after having been brutally beaten 39 times with a cat o' nine tails!

    Then this loving God, who had done absolutely NOTHING wrong, tasted the very essence of h**l!

    But because He was truly NOT guilty, h**l couldn't hold him, so He conquered death, h**l and the grave.

    Because of all this, God is now legally able to grant YOU an undeserved and unmerited pardon.

    But the offer is only valid while you live in your current body, after which He will be morally and legally obligated to carry out the judgement, crying the entire time, I would imagine, because this is NOT what God wants for you.

    Now you have some facts to work with.  So now the ball is in YOUR court.  God will either judge your sins at the cross, if you repent (turn your back on your sins) and put your faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for which He will forgive ALL your sins, cleanse your conscience (your heart), and adopt you into His Forever Family, and then take you to His home in Heaven when you die (leave this earth); OR (no, this is not a threat.  If you had cancer, and the doctor told you the possibilities, is THAT a threat?  Of course not!  These are the facts, so you can now make an informed decision!)  BUT, if you reject God's offer to rescue you from your sins and their eternal consequences, then those very sins that YOU held on to in THIS life, will hold on to YOU in the NEXT; and when God DOES judge those sins by sending them into the pits of h**l, those very sins that YOU wouldn't let God set you free from, that YOU held on to, will then hold on to YOU, kicking and screaming all the way!

    So, the choice is now yours.  God said, "Please choose Life so that you may live!"  (Jesus said "I am Life!").  He cried out that He does NOT take pleasure in the death of the wicked.  He said He doesn't want ANY to perish, but that ALL would come to Him in repentance!

    So, those are the options, the choice IS yours, and you will be morally culpable for YOUR own choices.  (If the doctor tells you that you have cancer, and that an operation would have a 10% chance of curing you, the choice is yours, and yours alone, and you can't accuse the doctor of threatening you!)  Here's the thing - you have a cancer of the soul that will send you to h**l!  God says there is 100% chance of a successful cure if you turn to Him, but otherwise, you die - you end up in h**l forever.  No threat, again, just facts to help you make an informed decision on.)

  3. Actually, there's a hint in every diffent culture that there is God. Only, the God of Christians has some difference with Allah of Muslims. Those differences may have been caused by human preference.

    By the way, which one was first mentioned in history: God ( some years BC) or Allah (7th century AD)?

  4. Only the Sith are right.

    Embrace the Dark Side of the Force and eliminate all those Jedi scum.

  5. This maybe for Christians and it may not be the answer to the question you have asked but:

    I'm an atheist which I'm very proud of, we all have our different faiths beliefs and opinions, like I'm right in what I believe, just like any other peoples religion and their individual beliefs believe they are right in what they believe, I think it just comes down to a matter of tolerance and respect. I mean if they believe they are right as far as they are concerned then it is right for them, just like I believe I'm right which is right for me, the problem is though because everyone believes they are right and everyone else who doesn't agree with them is wrong then they can't except that, which I said comes down to tollerence and respect. this is my opinion.

    I do understand what you are saying beleive me but my way of looking at this is people will believe what they want to believe even if the answer is staring them right in the face, but I also believe that people no matter what they believe have the right to believe what they want, we as a people just have to except what they believe and who they are as a people and respect their beleifs regardless of if we believe it ourselves it is eveyrones right, the same as it is your right to question if god is or isn't true. don't get me wrong I'm not having a go at you in anyway shape or form I just think tollerence really is the answer and also maybe understanding.

  6. Yes one of us is right (me) and one of us is wrong (you).  Easiest two points I ever got

  7. Deep down.. subconsciously, even from when we were little, all over the world.. people have always wondered if there was a God, a creator, a higher being. Indian tribes, Egyptians, Asians, etc..- all worship some form of a god/s. So that tells us we Know theres something more out there, but its up to us to find the truth for ourselves. Which I believe to be Christianity 100%.. (I wish I had the time to give you the details.. )

    But to answer your question.. How can I be so sure there is a God.. besides the fact that it is, in a sense, engraved in us to wonder about God- looking at the history of time, almost all cultures believe in some type of God. I just think it would be narrow minded to think that there wasnt any God at all. Compaired to all people in history, atheism is a very small group of people.

    My question to those people is, How can you be so sure there isnt a God?

    Atheists spend so much time trying to disprove something they dont believe in.. that doesnt make sense- is that some form of conviction, do you think?

    I know people will argue about this till the end- so all we can really say is, I guess we will all find out one day.

  8. If you take a look at the Bible, you'll see that there are things that are in there that are taking place in today's time that were predicted back when Jesus was alive. Not to mention that there is archaeological evidence that some of the events in the Bible did actually happen.

  9. No, we can't agree to that.  I can agree that you have your perspective and I have mine.  

  10. Same story.  Over and over.  Atheist who say they don't believe in God.

    Ya know, and this goes out to all who don't believe, why do you spend so much time and effort trying to disprove a God you don't believe in???

    I don't believe in the Tooth Fairy.  But you wont find me on here trying to discredit people who do. If they want to believe in the tooth fairy,, let em. Why do you work so hard to convince others, and yourself, that he doesn't exist?  Simple, because you KNOW he does. And that kills you inside. Used to kill me too. He is not out to get you, he is out to save you. Oh, and no Bible verse.

  11. I think everybody is wrong, nobody has the right to say they are completely right, I think that religions are more of a way of life than a belief, its like a direction a society must follow in order to function properly under the standards of some really savvy group of people that are in control, if we take a look at history, way back to our beginnings as humans, religion wasn't a way of life, hunting and surviving were, but as populations became bigger, rules and laws needed to be established in order to control the masses, or else it would have been impossible for civilizations to develop.

  12. Yes, I can agree that one of us is right and one is wrong. The question is who?

    I urge you to read this link, I know that you probably think that this is just another Christian rambling, but if you really want both sides, please don't be so closed minded when it comes to the christian argument. I am willing to listen to any argument, claim hypothesis of yours about the why you believe God doesn't exist, so take time and read why we believe He does.

  13. NO!   Both of us could be wrong.  ALL of us could be wrong.  Nobody HAS to be right.  The Great Green Arkleseizure may have sneezed the universe into existence for example.

    I understand where you are trying to go with this and agree that the mutually incompatible but equally rigid beliefs in various gods mean belief itself is not acceptable ontological evidence, but you framed this one wrong from the get go.

    EDIT for your add:  So the question is only is there a god?  Why then draw the distinction between Christians and Muslims for your example since they agree that there is one?  Why wouldn't their obvious answer be "of course there's a god - just because the Muslims are wrong about his nature and his commandments does not mean I am also wrong about them!"?.  If you really mean whether a god exists or not, why try to contrast two groups who both say there is one?  Either way, not all that well thought out.  Your example does not follow your initial question.

    And to the "candid" buffoon below, when followers of the tooth fairy control every level of your government and pass laws restricting human rights, scientific progress and freedom of choice in areas ranging all the way from reproduction to sunday boozing based on what they imagine the tooth fairy wants, then you'll have a valid point assuming you take it like the pansy lapdogs you want us to be when you lot do the same c**p in the name of your imaginary friend.  Not me though.

  14. Perhaps we can all agree that you are unhappy here and should find something else to do.

    I've seen enough of your answers to know that you are nowhere near objective enough to ask a question like this.  You are abusive to Christians in every post I've seen.

    Telling our children that God loves them is not abuse.  It is reinforcement of our children.  You cannot ever be loved too much by too many.  My parents gave me (and I am giving my son) a great big family of people who love and care about us, and that is not abuse.

  15. I am right.


  16. no.  because what's right for you may not be right for me, but that does not make either wrong.  

    my faith is right for me.  I don't ask you to believe what I believe, just that you accept that it is my right to believe it.  you can think it's silly or that I'm delusional.  that's ok with me.

    if you don't have faith, think faith is fake or silly, that's ok with me.

    edit:  how can we know that it's real?  I don't think we can until we die.  whether we go into nothingness & cease to exist or to a "next" life, we can't know until then.  but if believing in something (or nothing) makes us happy, than that's all we can know at this time.

    edit 2:  sure, knowing is definitely better.  yes, stem cell research is vital.  there are so many diseases that could potentially be cured.  btw, I'm a science loving pagan

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