
Can we all calm down please??

by  |  earlier

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banters banter and fun.. but its turning into abuse again ..can we all take a step back and think before we post ..PLEASE..

ps anything that i have posted that seems abusive are aimed at people abuseing me.. a bit of respect for one and all ..PLEASE..




  1. afternoon Deano......the best thing you can do is f**k right off you sorry sack of s**t who the f**k do you think you f**king are you w**ker

    laugh my bald f**king head off!!

  2. no sir..dont give me the belt i ddint swear!!!

    i'll see to my fellow gooners to calm it.

    whats orange and thinks it's maradonna?

    Paul scholes  haha :P.

  3. no doubt are turn will come but anyway got to laugh at this the ref is so close desperate measures

  4. about what

  5. I agree Deano, we all throw a bit of abuse each other way, but Man Utd fans (humans) are called dirty scum etc. One person compared Fergie to Hitler, and the question was asked by a Leeds fan no less.

    There's no winning i guess on either side, lets just keep on asking proper football questions and let the madness go on by the side.

    Look Deano> "calm down calm down" lol

  6. It needs to work both ways bud i think that to get respect people need to show respect that goes for both sets of fans I am not talking about separate people. The trouble is we get one trouble maker on here and the whole forum goes to war lol  

  7. Its only because this section is full of idiots that dont know what on earth their talking about.

  8. Zenit does have a point

  9. i am calmed down

    but if arsenal loses today (which they wont) ill be having mood swings tonight

    so its up to arsenal's performance lol how im going to behave

  10. Oh for goodness sake, Deano, toddle off to the FFL forum, it's as calm as anything over there:DD

  11. it's only football  

  12. Deano mate, I would take this into consideration if it wasn't your team having the abuse...but every other day when it's Liverpool getting battered in an abusive fashion you don't condemn fact you support them! (ie. Giggs is 007)

    I agree with you and I stay away from abusive comments myself but this seems a tad hypocritical.


    You're being hypocritical because we all know it's the United fans who spend their time here insulting Liverpool on every given opportunity, but when Liverpool fans are given the opportunity to bite back suddenly everybody should "calm down"? Why not post this a few days ago when the United fans were being abusive? That's what I mean when I say you're only condemning Non-Manchester United fans but you allow it if it's the United fans handing out the abuse...which is about 95% of the time.

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