
Can we all come to agreement that the results of Superliga were fair?

by Guest60224  |  earlier

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I thought this question was necessary since alot of FMF supporters(not all) came up with so many excuses why Superliga turned out the way it did and i thought id go into detail about it so that we can find middle ground so to say if thats even possible. I am an MLS fan but Remember i respect everyone's opinions as long as they are respectable and i assume you FMF supporters do the same.

excuse #1: preseason

yes, this is a very valid excuse and i completely understand. However, when the same FMF supporters say stuff like "MLS is a c**p kiddie league" or "MLS is NO match for FMF" then say they lost due to preseason then that irks me. If MLS is that bad then surely you can also beat us in preseason. Yes or No? Also i must note that if FMF supporters do use the preseason excuse, you cant use the fact that FMF owns MLS at champions cup since that is during MLS preseason. Agreed?

excuse #2: referee quality

This is a horrible excuse to use to generalize a whole situation. Yes, Pachuca was cheated a goal but hey it happens. Could it had changed the result of the match? Maybe. Does it mean that Pachuca would have won if it did count? No! There was plenty of time left in the game for anything to happen so dont say "Pachuca should have won" cuz you know what, the game is not over till time is over. Also that horrible disallowed goal has no effect the reason the FMF's other clubs lost to MLS teams so dont generalize that FMF did bad due to the refs. Another thing i must note, the refs are not from MLS, they are CONCACAF so dont give me that biasness c**p without evidence plz so none of that "the refs were paid" c**p. Pachuca can use that excuse but the rest of FMF cant.

excuse #3: FMF DOnt care at all about superliga

This i think is the worse excuse at all. In fact, if I were a FMF player, i would be insulted. These are professionals. Professionals play to win. How do you think Pachuca felt last Superliga when they won? They looked pretty happy (especially calero) to me when xavier missed his pk. What about all those brawls that occured this SUperliga? Surely those brawls showed the intensity of the players and the passsion of the game. Yes or no?

excuse #4: home advantage

yes, a very VERY valid excuse. Frankly i dont think MLS could handle it if Superliga was in Mexico, thats why i wished it can have both home and away games between MLS and FMF. Again for those who say MLS is such a terrible league, you should overcome that factor since MLS is so awful. Right?

If there are any othre excuses you FMF can conjure up, plz tell me.




  1. @beutifulfutbol...yea,well id like to see them try to to play in quintana roo where its like to see them try to play in jalisco..but then again its "too high"

  2. CHIVAS elimination was ridiculous. They would've won the whole thing, thus making the entire tournament VOID cause of a technicality

  3. Well the way I see it, we are not offended by the fact our teams didn't make it to the final but are offended in the way many MLS fans react afterward, the terrible decisions taken by the leaders of the Superliga tournament, and of course the refereeing (further explanation later).

    -Many MLS fans act as if they proven to the world that their league is the best between theirs and the Mexican league. Which is just a complete stupidity to state or think such thing. I am aware that the MLS is quite a strong league but you can't say you're better than another league by winning a tournament that hasn't even been in existence 2 years thus has no prestige reputation. A tournament where it seems that in the 2nd edition actions were taken that seemed to favor the host. A I need to go on we all know the flaws in the Superliga and unless something is done about it, this tournament won't live to have a 10 year existence.  I'll acept the fact that the MLS team beat us to the final but look how you got there.

    My counter-points:

    Preseason: It does have affects on the players due to the fact their bodies are quite stiff and it takes awhile for the muscles to loosen. And lets assume the MLS is inferior to the FMF but at the same time I am aware its not a, "kiddie league," thus it is inferior but by a small gap. So thus the advantage of preseason closes that cap quite dramatically and they're almost head to head when it comes to each others level.

    Refs: They didn't only cheat out Pachuca but Atlante. They cheated out Pachuca out of that goal and Atlante of a penalty, and three dangerous plays that could have wound up in goal but were marked offside. You stated they aren't MLS refs but CONCACAF refs. OPEN YOUR EYES, the whole CONCACAF region hates Mexico since it has had superior results to everyone else both locally and internationally. The same way many nations hate US politically the same way CONCACAF nations hate Mexico. So the refs who come from these regions have negative feelings towards Mexico. I am aware of the fact that many refs are professionals and due their jobs disregarding their personal views but it was quite obvious that the refs in the semifinal games were having a terrible influence on the game that it seemed to be almost intentional.

    FMF don't care...

    I agree with you on this point, I apologize for the ignorant Mexican who stated such a stupidity.

    Home advantage: I also agree with you on this point but I have high doubts such an agreement between the two leagues would ever come into affect.

    "Even if MLS did put that rule, how in the heck could they have known that Chivas would get two wins only to lose to Atlante?"

    That is the one of the flaws with this tournament and its organizers. When you plan a tournament and expect it to become big you analyze every possibility instead of thinking that an odd situation will never occur. Why can't they just do it like in every other tournament and do points, goal difference, and etc...Instead of coming up with its own ways of taking care of a tie.

    I didn't read Terrorist response but Champions Cup is the most important club tournament in CONCACAF, its the tournament that gives you access to World Cup of Clubs.

    I have many other things on my mind but I just can't think of a possible way of organizing it all but if you still have further arguments post in the details section or email me.

  4. the superliga cheated out chivas, atlante and pachuca

  5. finally a sane person. well yes i do agree with your arguments and believe that the US can too as well win the superliga even if it was held in Mexico.

  6. Excuse #4 alone is enough to conclude that this year's Superliga was unfair.

    So you refuted your own argument. For which you deserve credit.

    P.S. Just because this year's Superliga wasn't fair, doesn't mean it's not good. I like the Superliga (I attended one game, Chivas LA v. Santos, and the atmosphere was awesome, WAY better than that for an MLS game) and think it has the potential to be a meaningful and exciting tournament.

  7. Reason Why It Was BullSh!t: The SuperLiga officials came up with the dumbest rule in the history of tournaments to eliminate Chivas de Guadalajara the 1 Mexican team that defeated both MLS teams in the group stage (Chivas 2-1 DC United, Chivas 1-0 Houston) so that they wouldn't had to worry about them winning it and instead gave Atlante the qualification (a team that lost 4-0 to Houston)

    The Rule: Chivas(6pts) lost to Atlante(6pts) so in head to head results Atlante advances

    Why It Was Bullsh!t: Houston also had 6 pts and they lost to Chivas(1-0) but they also beated Atlante(4-0) so there is no head to head result for determining who advances it should've went to goal differences which would've made Chivas advance but nooo they couldn't let that happen because Chivas had the biggest potential of winning the tournament from any other team so they just make this rule and doesn't tell chivas of the rule until half way through the Atlante game (which chivas thought was a game they could've used thier subs) which they were already losing 1-0

  8. Excuse# 1

    I agree. preaseason  is not too much of an excuse. which means primara division of FMF owns MLS in champions cup.

    Excuse# 2

    You are right it happens, but not so often as it did in this tournament.

    Pachuca would PROBABLY have won if the goal counted. The first  goal changes the outcome of the game.

    Excuse# 3

    Calero only cared about getting his share of the money just like all the other players. Say all you want but super liga is a minor tournament.

    Excuse# 4

    I agree. but if home and away games were played only mexican teams would have advanced.

    and finally what the guy above me said, but it was fmf who requested the rule.

    Edit: no, I don`t concede that mls was better. Pachuca was robbed in their match with N.E. and Guadalajara would have gone to the final if it wasn`t for the stupid rule. fmf has better teams than Atlante and Santos sucked. Cruz Azul and Monterrey could have done better. And chivas was cheated.

  9. blah blah blah... let me kno when mls wins something meaningful

  10. When was the final?? Did they even broadcast it on TV? Did anyone watch it??

  11. MLS is better than FMF, no excuses

  12. The MLS Teams wouldnt stand a chance if they played in mexico. Something happens when mexicans play in mexico, its like if they recieve this constant source of energy that radiates from the mexican ground. Also, the MLS seems to only have 2 powerhouses: Houston and New England. Mexico has Cruz Azul, Chivas, America, Pumas, and a couple others that seem to spread the competition evenly.  

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