
Can we all please remember the most important issues and not get caught up on...?

by  |  earlier

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teen age pregnancies, pastors, houses, candidates wives, flag pins, etc....

Remember IRAQ, ECONOMY, FOREIGN AFFAIRS.....there are men and women dying right this moment in a war that many feel is unjustified I might add too! Don't get distracted people!!!




  1. You speak nonsense.  I would say I'm joking with you, but this is pretty much what most of the American public thinks.  The issues aren't as interesting or as important to them as what the candidates are like in public and in private.  It's certainly disgruntling, but it's not going to change.  Some of these things can lead to revelations about the candidates that make them worthwhile, but for the most part, candidates are trying to sell a face, a personality, and a history.  Unfortunately, the idea, the most important part, gets left in the dust.

  2. i couldn't agree more. Of course, your suggestion is easier said than done, when the right has as it's game plan the opposite of what you state. Attack, deflect discussion away from the war, the economy and the environment, so as make campaign issues about who is patriotic or who served in the military or who has more experience or who believes in one religion or another--all issues of a secondary nature, but not ones that help solve the much bigger problems. Focus on one tiny section of the "big picture" so the voter gets a distortion that mainly benefit the right. The sad part is, the democrats, while noble in their philosophies, allow themselves to be drawn into these distractions and don't have the cajones to stand up to the right wing zealots.  

  3. Preaching to the choir.  Who cares what Obama's preacher said or the fact that McCain's wife is rich?  Those aren't indicators at all of how they'll do as president.

    We should be focusing on the issues.

  4. You are absolutely correct!  You go!!!!

    Voters can focus on personality, yes, but voters have the responsibility to vote on where a candidate stands, and what that person will do for the good of the nation, and can that candidate lead, are even bigger issues.


    THERE POOL....

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