
Can we all please take a moment today?

by  |  earlier

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A moment of silence for all those lost on 9/11. I would like to give nothing but praise to them. I hope that we can all say a little prayer for them.




  1. Very good  Grumpy... thank you

    and also remember to keep all those who helped diligently at ground zero and are now suffering ill effects as well in your thoughts and prayers

  2. yes i will. THANK YOU for bringing this out today. Its good to know somebody here is actually KIND! Ill say a rosary. XOXO~~stacy

  3. Hey Grumpy, this is a nice little trubuite. Good idea! You can count on me and my husband for a prayer lifted up.

  4. i'm taking a moment with you now...and will be taking another later...let us never forget...

  5. I will take the moment to join you.  And remember this was an unwarrented attack on Western Civilization by Muslim extremists.  Some 60 countries lost citizens in the world trade center.  It was not just the USA

  6. May God rest their souls and give to their families courage to continue in this life,solace and peace!!!

    I praise you too Grumpy  for your kindness!! Bless you!

  7. Nicely stated, however there are 19 lives that aren't worth any ones' remembrance or praise.

  8. It already has been done.

  9. yes and I pray for their spirits their familes and our fighting men and women

  10. Absolutely

    I agree

  11. done and........


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