
Can we ask car dealers not to put their dealers logo on my new car?

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Thanks Saavy Simple Steven, I want to buy the Nissan Altima Coupe.




  1. yes you can. The dealer's decal can sometimes be a little annoying, especially on more expensive cars. This does not take long at all and shouldn't leave any visible marks if done correctly.  

  2. don't ask them demand it

  3. yes you can or ask them to take it off if one is on there.  They just want free advertising.

  4. It's funny that I'm reading this one.... I was just talking to my friend about this.  I really like carmax in Maryland.... but they put their logo not only on the license plate frame but on an actual decal on the left back of my truck....... I think that is BS.   If I want to leave on a removable sticker or the license plate frame then OK..... BTW I removed  the frame right away.    

    You know what my friend said.... while doing final negotiations for your vehicle he said..... OK & to close this deal I want you to remove your logo.  If you want advertisement ever heard of the yellowpages?  

    If they want your business they will figure a way to do it.  Good luck & BTW what are you thinking about buying?

  5. yes you can ,but usually these are already on the car before you buy them, i worked at a dealer once and they had us install these on every new car that came in,you can have them remove them though,or not install them if it doesnt have one on it already,good luck.

  6. I demanded it not be put on. They insisted they wanted to do it. I said: "Not if you intend to sell me this new car!" They didn't put it on..!

  7. me personally...i believe so!!!  Or ask for a discount for advertising!!!   i do not want there logos on my car either...luckily i havent ever gotten one with it.  

  8. Don't demand it, they are people too, and you went to them, they didn't come to you. Just tell them you wish not to have it on, they will take it off.

  9. yes absolutely its your car, don't let them do free advertisement through you

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