
Can we ask our realestate agent to give us some money from our closing?

by  |  earlier

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as we wont be having enogh to pay for blinds & washer & dryer




  1. Negotiate the agent's fees prior to making an offer on the house.  Many agents will tell you that the standard closing costs are 6% but this can be negotiated.  You should structure the deal so that the more you save on the house (paying below asking price) the more the agent gets.  That way your incentives are aligned.

    Good luck.

  2. You can, but how would you like for that agent to show up on your job at pay day and ask for a portion of your pay check?  If you have made this agreement up front, then I think it's fine.  Otherwise, save your money and buy your blinds and washer/dryer when you can afford it.

  3. I am not sure what your asking?   I am a NYS realestate agent, there are different ways to get money back after a closing, you could write an offer for more than what you want to give the seller and ask the seller to give you money back at closing.  You should talk to the bank if you need more money.  I hope that helps.

  4. why not?

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