
Can we assume S 1959 was passed?

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nothing is being said about S 1959 so we can assume that it has been passed & the government is free to act upon it now.

i'm afraid we've lost the information war in the US.

if you're not American, the fight continues on Y/A UK.

i'm not American so this law doesn't apply to me but i don't want to encourage American Truthers to come out on Ya hoo US anymore as it is illegal now (what a sickening thought).

if you are American, good luck & take care. i would suggest that you delete anything you've got online, especially blogs. i'm keeping this email account open for any Americans who would like to take a very long holiday in Europe. please contact me if you need anything.

again, good luck & take very good care.




  1. Don't assume that just because you haven't heard about it that it means it's passed. The S. in front of the bill number means that it is in the senate where it has to be read 3 times and passed by them. They will also send it to the Department of Homeland Security and the committee of Homeland Security because it deals with terrorism. It also has to be passed by the House as well as signed by the president to become a bill.

    It takes a very long time for bills to pass in the United States and many of them eventually just get thrown out. If the bill was really a threat to US citizens the media would be very well informed.

    The bill cannot take the civil liberties and civil freedoms of the US citizens away because that is embedded in their constitution. It is mainly a measure to protect the country from home grow terrorist attacks.

  2. Its another Republican scare law.  Its in committee, and in all probablity won't get out.  What is scary is that some Texas lawmaker thought that writing it would be a plus in her column with the voters back home.

  3. Best not to assume. Remember what "*** U ME" stands for!.

    I'm not sure it did pass on August 1 as some people believe so best not to press the panic button. I have been looking for information on it to no avail.

    If it did, don't expect the database to be updated yet. The government and media are being very secretive about this bill for obvious reasons.

    People not aware of this must understand that the House Bill version passed by an landslide

    The totals were 404 Ayes, 6 Nays, 22 Present/Not Voting.

    That means that 404 congressmen and women voted

    for AmeriKA the police state.

    If the Senate version passed August 1st, then I am a terrorist for writing this answer. In fact, I did not even have to write the answer. All I had to do was THINK ABOUT writing the answer.

    People need to wake the fuuuk up. This is REAL. If it did not pass August 1st then it will eventually.

    Don't expect civil liberties action groups to carry the whole load in opposing this draconian piece of legislation. DO YOUR PART. Write your senators immediately and let them know where you stand.

    Lets hope it did not pass and try to have 50 million letters delivered ready for opening after the 5-week break! Nothing short of that will stop S1959.

  4. S 1959 only creates a commission to investigate domestic terrorism, and produce a report to the President 18 months after the passing of the bill, and a university-based "Center of Excellence" to research domestic terrorism. It contains the provisions:


          `(a) In General- In carrying out this subtitle, the Secretary shall ensure that the efforts of the Department to prevent ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism as described in this subtitle do not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights, and civil liberties of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents.

          `(b) Commitment to Racial Neutrality- The Secretary shall ensure that the activities and operations of the entities created by this subtitle are in compliance with the commitment of the Department to racial neutrality.

          `(c) Auditing Mechanism- The Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Officer of the Department shall develop and implement an auditing mechanism to ensure that compliance with this subtitle does not result in a disproportionate impact, without a rational basis, on any particular race, ethnicity, or religion and include the results of its audit in its annual report to Congress required under section 705.'.

    I think a lot of the scare has just been hype - I am more worried about the further intrusion of the Federal government into educational institutions.

  5. Okay, thanks.  I'm trying to find out right now.   This is scary and we should be very cautious.

  6. It appears that most citizens are not aware of the New Reality of this country.    

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