
Can we be sued by a customer?

by  |  earlier

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The customer called about 3 hours after being there and said he just got out the hospital. He claimed that he found a piece of glass in his food and instantly wanted information on our lawyer. We are a take out rest. We use foam containers and paper plates. We sell can sodas and we are not allowed to store food in glass containers (health department). We actually don't even have anything glass in the whole that we use for food. And furthermore, no one else has complained. Is he really just out to get paid?




  1. Yes, you can be sued.

    First thing is to find out where that bit of glass is now.

    If he's serious it should be with the health department.

    They can find out what sort of glass it is.

    And they'll visit to check the place.

    If he still has it, he's on the make.

    Get his full name, the hospital name, the examining doctor's name...

    tell him it's for your insistant and formal (don't get pally with him). If he's fake he'll ask for money to go away and if you press for information he'll back down.

  2. only if it is necessary

    like when you made a big mistake

    but when you're doing notin wrong then that's not a very good thing to do!

  3. good news and bad news... yes he can try to sue you... unfortunately, it will be difficult to prove that you have NEVER used glass, the good news is, though, that if you have a good lawyer, you will be fine.

    good luck

  4. let the lawyer deal with it and keep out of it

  5. yes he is just otu to get paid.dnt give it to him until you get a letter from HIs lawyer. then start the proceedings. thigns look in you favour if you dnt have glass in your store, btu its always best to double check and see fi it coudl of been brought in anyway. but don't admit to anythign withotu a lawyers help first

  6. Yes he can sue you.

    The court will require a Doctors note about the glass he had inside him, from the hospital.

    He will lose if he didn't have any glass.

    You will lose if he did.

    Just don't give him any money now and let him take it to court. If you're confident you never used any glass, and that there were no accidents, then you're safe, arn't you?

  7. He is trying to scare you into giving him money

    Don't give him any information about anything, don't talk to him

    Wait until you get a letter from his lawyer (or until he goes away)

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