
Can we become pilots by doing aeronautical engineering in usa?

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Can we become pilots by doing aeronautical engineering in usa?




  1. This is like asking if we can be drivers by learning mechanical engineering. The answer is no, engineering and piloting are different skills, just by knowing how aircrafts work, you dont become pilots. Check if the engineering course mentioned has a flying training

  2. no you can become a pilot by going to a flight school...

  3. An Aircraft Engineer knows how a an Aircraft flies and knows how to maintain them. A pilot on the other hand knows how to fly and although they have some knowledge on how some of their components work mainly know about what's inside the flight deck that they need to take care of. For example a pilot may know the how a hydraulic system works but an engineer will know how to take it apart and inspect the various parts. this is something a pilot doe's not need to know.

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