
Can we bring our own lunch to Cedar Point?

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Some friends and I are planning a trip to Cedar Point tomorrow but we want to bring our own lunch and then just go out for dinner afterwards since the food in the park is so expensive. I had heard from a friend about some place in the park where they let you drop off your cooler for the day and I was just wondering if that was true? Where abouts in the park? And Does it cost anything? If it's not true would one of us be aloud to leave the park to go get the cooler and come back if we left it in our car for the morning? Thanks for the help.




  1. You are not allowed to take any coolers, baskets, etc. into the actual park, unless you have a medical condition that requires medicine to remain cool.  Before you actually enter the park, there are picnic pavilions on both sides of the entrance.  These picnic pavilions are free and you just drop your cooler off before entering the park.  Just a small warning, since the coolers are not watched, sometimes people feel the need the steal others' coolers or the food that is contained in them.  This doesn't happen often (I've only noticed it two or three times out of the countless times I've been to Cedar Point), but keep in mind that your cooler is not being watched, so don't stash something important in your cooler.  To eat your lunch, you get a hand stamp before leaving the gates, go to the picnic pavilion, enjoy your lunch, and then show your handstamp to get back into the park.  I tend to have them stamp my arm between my wrist and elbow to prevent the stamp from being washed off.    

  2. You can leave it in the shelter up front, or park as close as you can and pull it out and bring it into the shelter.

    We bring our lunch in every time we go. We pack a small soft-side cooler and put in into our backpack on wheels. Cover the cooler inside with a sweatshirt in case they peek in the bag, but we have done this at least 15 times this summer and no one has ever looked into our backpack.

  3. I think so but i usually eat my lunch in the car there.

  4. yes there are 2 areas that there are picnic tables.... they are outside the front entrance one to the left n the other to the right.... they also have charcoal grills if u bring stuff to make the fire u could grill hotdogs or hamburgers,,, we usually just bring could meat n stuff... suggestion when u bring it grab a blanket n cover it up that way no bird c**p can get on it n no one can see it

  5. According to the Cedar Point website:

    "Public picnic shelters are available outside the Main Entrance to Cedar Point on a first-come, first served basis to anyone who chooses them. Baskets, coolers and personal picnic items are not permitted inside Cedar Point."

    So, you can bring your cooler and have a picnic just outside the park. They will stamp your hand at the entrance so you can get back in.

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