
Can we bring pakistan,afghanistan,eurasia uptill ukraine under hiduism

by  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Can we bring pakistan,afghanistan,bangladesh,Iran,central asia,eurasia uptill ukraine under hiduism.Since we have the same Aryan bloodline.I have seen north indians and have seen people of pakistan,iran and georgia they all look alike.One common features fair,good features.women are really fair like milk and good bone structure.
mentally all are same people like leadership,business skills.
(remember keikayi maharani from ramayan came from peshawar,gandhari maharani came from Afghanistan)
we are worthlessly fighting beautiful men and women are dying it is a trajedy.Recently a vishnu temple was found in Ukraine.Aryan rule extended all the way uptill europe.
only south indians are different since dravidian race-dark and unattractive.not much social activities
east indians attractive since fair.
After bringing these places under hinduism we could have european union type thing.
I have seen punjabis they feel at home in europe than in south india since similar better standard of living and fair,beautiful people.

i am a patriot i am not against india.i have seen it becomes very difficult for beautiful north indians to adjust in south india.since they are fair and better looking.It becomes more difficult if they are fair good looking women.since south indian men chase behind these women and gang war breaks up between south indians and north indians.reason for beautiful women.especially the tamils and telugus are worst savages.
think about my solution.

 Tags: bring, hiduism, pakistanafghanistaneurasia, Ukraine, uptill


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