
Can we call it Global Cooling Now?

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It snowed in Silicon Valley Today--01/21/2008.

It snowed in Bagdad two weeks ago--the first time in 100 years.

Record cold spells across the middle of the USA with record snow fall predicted along the great lakes.

Two years ago ALGORE gave a speech on Global Warming on a record breaking cold day in NEW YORK.

In Greenland a bay froze over --the first time in 50 years.

Last year the southern hemisphere had record cold spells--even snowing in Johansburg South Africa.


Granted these can be dismissed as isolated incidents. But if they were record heat waves--they would be grouped into the morass that is now used to justify Global Warming.

But the average temperature has not risen in almost ten years now--while Carbon emissions ---Mainly in China and India have doubled in the last decade--Why is this not mentioned in the NEWS. Why is it that the hottest year on record is 1934




  1. You are misinformed. The average temperature has continued to rise.  Global averages are not determined based on a single year, but based on a multi-year trend.  Otherwise, temporary factors (e.g. el nino) which are really only short term weather noise gets mixed up with long-term climate (which is the actual area of concern).

    9 of the 11 warmest years in history have been since 1996. And when posters come along and assert (wrongly, I might add) that the NASA data is from Dr. Hansen and he's "discredited", keep in mind that Dr. Hansen is still a chief scientist at NASA and the poster is an anonymous non-scientist posting on yahoo ;-)

  2. well as far as i am concerned the temperature was rising and has stopped. It rose 0.6C in 100 years, but what they forget to mention always at the beginning and end of ice ages temperature rises 6C in under 20 years and some species die but people always survive. The scare tactics produced are wrong and should be illegal but there will always be those like me who question the mainstream

  3. Wow, there are a barrage of these questions today. Did you know Yahoo answers has a search feature.  It even gives suggestions as you type your question. OK are you ready, the alarmists are going to tell you that Global Warming means we will experience climate extremes...

  4. The ice caps could be moving down Broadway and Dr. Hansen would STILL claim that this was the warmest year on record.

    Global warming officially ended in 2007.

  5. Use the search function. This exact same question is asked, oh, about every five to ten minutes here.

    The problem is here, that you've failed to grasp the very simple ideas of weather and climate. Weather is what the atmosphere is doing at a particular time and place, climate is weather averaged over a long period of time. What you're experiencing in Silicon Valley today, and what was experienced in Baghdad a few days ago, is winter weather. Albeit abnormally frigid winter weather, but winter weather nonetheless.

    And this winter weather isn't going to change the fact that the planet is warming. 2007 was the second warmest year ever recorded (an exact tie with 1998, the warmest) for the globe as a whole, the warmest ever recorded for the northern hemisphere, and 2008 is likely to be very similar.

    Oh, and as you can see, 1934 wasn't the warmest year ever recorded. Not even close. It was just the warmest year on record for the contiguous US (see below links if you don't believe me, and you don't).

    And, of course, contrary to what you claim, I'd say the exact same thing to a GW theory proponent touting unusually warm temperatures as proof of global warming.

    Lastly, your claim that temperatures have not risen in ten years is flat out wrong on a number of levels. First, there's too much noise for you to possibly have determined any statistically meaningful trend for a period as short as a decade. Not gonna happ'n, cap'n. Second, even supposing you could get a valid trend for the past ten years, that trend would be *positive.* See the third link in my sources for more info (not bloody likely, says you).

  6. As I sit here at home, it is a bone chilling 21 degrees F outside; guess you could say a normal winter day in New England.  I do not know if you are old enough to remember the seventies, when the last generation of environmental n***s, and Al Gore was part of that crowd, were using scare tactics to convince the world that were were going into a "Nuclear Winter"....Well that didn't work, so they had to come up with something scarier...and they did, Man made Global Warming, it died for a while and now the rhetoric is all ramped up again; except this time they have an entire group of willing co-conspirators to assist them.  The problem is they are brain washing the most innocent amongst us:  our children.  These poor children are being targeted by the adults who should be educating them, not indoctrinating them, into the big lie: their teachers.  I consider this behavior, evil and  abusive, and it must be stopped.  

    MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING--One of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated on the entire human population by a bunch of sado-m*******t Marxist.

  7. Yes we can... :-) the scientists of the 70's are vindicated. Get down and boogie.

  8. Let's do, I froze my a** off last summer in southwestern United States.

  9. You need to check your facts. Global warming is not necessarily warming it means extreme climate changes. Did you watch Al Gore's movie an inconvenient truth you mention this but if you watched it you would know what global warming is.

  10. Now they say that it is getting cooler because of global warming. I wonder how stupid they think that the public is. Its all about controlling the public with lies. Every time they want more control, they come up with this kind of c**p. And they usually use sock puppets like Al Gore to spread it around. What really cracks me up is that they actually gave him a Nobel peace prize over this. The first thing that will happen when there is more CO2 in the atmosphere is that there will be more plant foliage. The more plant foliage, the more oxygen. It evens itself out. If the planet is going to get warmer, it will be from solar activity like sun spots.

  11. there is a huge diference between weather and climate,,,i suggest you learn about global warming before you deny it is even there

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