
Can we conclude? If Pope Pius xii went to all lengths to save Jews he was not very successful?

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Maybe the Jews would have been better off with him on some other project. With Pius as a friend what Jew needed enemies? Pius' efforts to save Jews is a laugh.




  1. Was Pius not very successful in his attempts to save Jews? Let's look at the other side of the question. Was anyone else more successful? Did the n**i regime ever show itself to be amenable to making deals? Did transplanting Jews fill their mandate of 'purifying' Aryan blood? The answer to each of these questions is 'No', so although Pius may not have succeeded, you can not negotiate if the other party is not willing to do so. But that doesn't make one's efforts laughable. It must have been incredibly frustrating to be faced with that sort of non-compromising mentality.

  2. If you have a conclusion, why bother to ask the question? Are you baiting Catholics in the hope that they will bite?


  4. Just so the Jesuit spin doctors who dominate this section of Yahoo answers don't completely continue to get by spreading their propaganda, let us look at one clear and undeniable fact - Pius had a Concordat with Hitler.

    So what you say? Well, the 1933 Concordat between Hitler and the Vatican was no ordinary agreement. You can find it by searching Yahoo. It was an agreement that recognized the supremecy of the Catholic Church as a legal entity above all others - in exchange for their tacit support to Hitler.

    One article even ensured every Cardinal, every Bishop and priest was required to pledge an oath to the Third Reich.

    Now, for the Jesuit agents that troll these sites to suggest that Pius in anyway cared for the Jews (like the 1,000 that live in the ghetto less than 1,000 yards from the vatican that went to the ovens under the watch of Pius.

    To think that a man who held a solemn oath and contract with Hitler was somehow fearful of Hitler is pushing the bounds of credibility.

    Next, these dedicated spin doctors of the Holy see would have us believing in a flat earth (again).

    The truth is unmistakable.

  5. I think maybe you need to get a girlfriend or boyfriend so you have more to do then throw Pope Pius and Hitler, Jews or whatever else together.

    You have been shown ample evidence that Pius did everything he could to do to help the Jewish people against hitler. What is a laugh is your IQ, actually, not a laugh, its sad. Now what is a laugh is that thing your mom and dad produced.

  6. Of course, Pope Pius XII was not very successful. He was only one man against the entire n**i party and German army.

    But he did accomplish more than most individuals in the world at the time.

    The Jews appreciated the efforts of Pius.

    In October 1958 in front of the United Nations General Assembly, Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel, said of Pope Pius XII at his death :

    ''During the 10 years of n**i terror, when our people went through the horrors of martyrdom, the Pope raised his voice to condemn the persecutors and commiserate with their victims.''

    Some of the Jewish organizations that praised Pope Pius XII at the time of his death for saving Jewish lives during the horror of the n**i Holocaust were:

    + The World Jewish Congress

    + The American Jewish Committee

    + The American Jewish Congress

    + The Anti-Defamation League

    + The Central Conference of American Rabbis

    + The National Conference of Christians and Jews

    + The National Council of Jewish Women.

    + The New York Board of Rabbis

    + The Rabbinical Council of America

    + The Synagogue Council of America

    "Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly. "

    - Albert Einstein, Time Magazine, December 23, 1940

    Unfortunately the Soviet Union and others had been trying to convince the world that the Catholic Church was pro-n**i since the death of Pope Pius in 1958. Here are some sources:

    + The KGB made corrupting the Church a priority:

    + The KGB campaign against Pius XII:

    + Pius XII and the Jews:


    See also "The Myth of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the n***s" by Rabbi David G. Dalin which has compiled further overwhelming proof of Pope Pius XII"s friendship for the Jews beginning long before he became pope.

    See also:

    + The Holy See vs. the Third Reich by Ronald J. Rychlak

    + Jewish Historian Praises Pius XII's Wartime Conduct by Michael Tagliacozzo

    + Did Pius XII Remain Silent? by Fr William Saunders

    + Cornwell's Cheap Shot at Pius XII by Dr. Peter Gumpel

    + Pius XII and the Jews: The War Years, as reported by the New York Times by by Rev. Msgr. Stephen M. DiGiovanni, H.E.D.

    + Righteous Gentile: Pope Pius XII and the Jews by Rabbi David Dalin, Ph. D.

    With love in Christ.

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