
Can we create gasoline with waters ??

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i read it on sez someone from indonesia can make gasoline based on waters..indonesian president SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO name the gas "MINYAK INDONESIA BERSATU"!

is that realy posible??!!




  1. no because gasoline is a bit sticky so you have to use oil and wather and after whater is mix withthe oil you made gasoline

  2. No,

    Gasoline is made with carbon and hydrogen with between 5 and 12 carbon atoms of which there are none of in water. and therefore using the law of conservation and mass which states that matter cannot be created of destroyed means that it cannot be done.

  3. Scams like this are common and take advantage of the scientific illiteracy of the public. NONSENSE...gasoline is a mixture of C6- C8 alkanes and bears no relationship whatever to the highly polar non-carbon containing water. Such claims are akin to the many submissions each year to the Patent Office asking for patents on perpetual motion machines....... As stated by the late Carl Sagan....Extraordinary claims require extraordinary EVIDENCE and with scams the evidence is never there .

  4. Hi, I don't know about this indonesian discovery, I might check on kompass, however, I do know that it is possible to run your car on water or better say with Brown;s gas, with a special kit onto your car.

  5. Gasoline (as we know it) is composed of molecules consisting of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms called hydrocarbons.  When gasoline is burned using the oxygen in air it produces H2O water as steam and CO2 carbon dioxide as gas.  When burned, a gallon of gasoline produces almost a gallon of water in vapor form.  Therefore, water is like an 'ash' when gasoline burns.  Plants can take up CO2 and H2O to make hydrocarbons but require solar energy to do so.  Gasoline is distilled from oil which is the fossil remains of ancient plants and animals.  It is unlikely that anyone can produce gasoline from pure water without adding carbon and energy, just like Nature.

  6. Air bisa dielektrolisis menghasilkan gas campuran H, O, HHO (Gas Brown) dan gas ini dapat direaksikan dengan karbon (C) untuk menghasilkan BBM.

    Namun , harus diingat bahwa proses ini memerlukan energi dan biaya yang lebih tinggi daripada mengeksplorasi dan mengambil BBM langsung dari Bumi.

  7. If we could make gasoline out of water, it would be a miracle and a blessing, because the westerners would finally pull out of the Middle-East and hopefully the Islamist terrorism would end.

    Oil is the root of all evil.

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