
Can we create thoughts through Artificial Intelligence in a Robot?

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Can we create thoughts through Artificial Intelligence in a Robot?




  1. Not yet, we have systems that can be set a basic series of criteria in order for them to perform an action, and learn from it. I have done a MSc in this field, and the basic concept was to create a system that could learn and then every time it was 'run' it would 'remember' and then do it differently or better, so in a way, thought is encouraged, it is similar to humans. Touch a hot plate, then you will get burnt. you store this memory and this memory then helps you to make a better decision the next time. This can be applied to robots but the problem is everything is based on logic, there has to be a yes or no, thought requires a concept of 'maybe' or even choice of two possible positive outcomes, this is something that is harder to compute.

    I want to go to a football match but it will cost £30 (problem), do i have the money? If i do do i want to go "feeling", we can program the logics to make the decision but do you REALLY feel like going. Also, logically you have the £30, you do feel like going, but you have to be aware of the consequences of spending £30 on a match in relation to other factors, can you use this money for food, bills, presents etc. In the end robots will make a decision based on choices that score highest on a pre defined scale, thought means you might do the logical opposite because you feel like it.

  2. It's more of a philosophical matter on what constitutes a thought and when AI algorithms generate output that qualify as a thought.  Lately I've been wondering if setting up an AI to learn tasks by training and incorporating  a button that tells the robot that whatever it is doing now is incorrect and it should stop (somewhat like a choking lease for a dog)  would be analogous to a pain receptor (like touching a hot stove).

  3. Piece of cake. Imagination and programmation will do ze trick!

  4. Because you are able to create memory it is not at all difficult

    to create thoughts because thought arises from the known,

    from the memory.Then the robot will do the work in the present according to it's  conditioning only but it cannot be

    spontaneous like a being.At the most it is a perfect machine,

    nothing more than that.It cannot invent new things.If something new is presented to it,to which it is not conditioned

    it is helpless.

  5. yeah

  6. Thoughts are believed to be emerging out of historical saved data in the memory sections of the brains.

    So there are many attempts to simulate these using computer generated databases of previous events and peoples' reactions towards them.

  7. I cannot comment untill I have a definition of thought.

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