
Can we dissassociate from philosophy?

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Can we dissassociate from philosophy?




  1. No we cannot. The faculty of epistemology begins working at birth, and without metaphysical concepts, we could not be "sapient sapiens," as our full Latin name makes clear that we are. Without ethics we could not survive living together, and without aesthetics we could have no art forms of any kind. Artists use aesthetics long before any critic ever sees or hears the art.

  2. Disassociation, by definition, is one kind of expression of philosophical difference. Therefore, the very question is paradoxical in nature.

  3. It might have been so, if only philosophy were not so adaptive.

  4. Yes.

    But it would require leaving the philosophy section.

  5. the moment a person does, he/she loses everything around him/her. bottomline, we can't.

  6. That's like asking if you can disconnect from your brain.

  7. We are philosophy in action.  Words create the reality we each perceive.  So in general no we cannot disassociate from it.

    You might call the rare spiritual experiences that the mystics have a form of disassociation though - they describe the mind as being quiet, words silent, perceptions breaking down and experience melting away from the fragmented view of the world and/or a bursting into direct experience of the whole dream as an infinitely rich unity.

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