
Can we do more for recycling or we can forget it?

by Guest56195  |  earlier

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Can we do more for recycling or we can forget it?




  1. try to recycle more you are both helping the environment and everything. i appreciate people who care about the environment i hate it when people toss garbage on the ground right beside a trash can. the more  you help the better

  2. Do yr best and save our earth..=)

    Always remember the 3Rs..

    Hope it helps...=)

  3. offer money to people for recycling

  4. you should do it for the earth,i heard on the news that all the carbon dioxide you use it is not good for the earth so how many people you have got they should all do lots and lots of recycling.....

  5. Everybody can help by recycling the right materials. Most packaging and that can be recycled but many ignorant people but it in the bin or litter it. Check every object for directions and see if it can be recycled.

    Most people think "Oh yeah! It's a crummy piece of paper or a stupid can, why bother recycling it?" - the answer is simple. It conserves the materials it uses to make the object, emissions are created by manufacturing the object and heaps of money can be saved by recycling stuff.

    You can even get paid for recycling at the appropriate depot.

  6. do it if you can, it is good for the earth and it won't do you any harm. Not recycling, on the other hand, can be dangerous. For example, there are things that contain dangerous chemicals, such as batteries, that should be recycle. If not, the chemicals would be expose and cause harm to the environment and even people

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