
Can we drop the "Palin's baby is her grandson" rumors now?

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... since she's announced that her daughter Bristol looks pregnant because she IS 5 months pregnant, and is marrying the father of her baby? And that McCain knows about it? And that it doesn't disqualify Palin as the VP candidate? So much for the vicious rumor mill, folks.




  1. I think that would be a good idea.

    Pregnant Palin...

  2. Why drop the rumors on her and not drop the rumors of Obama being a Muslim?

    I am sure you are one of those who have spread rumors about Obama...

    Besides if she can't take the heat then she should pack up and go back to Alaska!

    She sucks!

  3. Does any one see a sexist pattern here? The Obama people are using sexist lies against Palin like they did with Hillary.  

  4. wow what a fantastic mother. i guess all that abstinence only teaching DOESN"T work. her daughter is how old and getting married?

    this is so much better than the rumor was.

  5. Please give a source...thank you.

  6. Obama groupies won't be happy until she gets a partial birth abortion.

  7. I am a Dem and I hated that with a passion.  I keep saying over and over that the kids of the candidates that are under 18 are off it should be.

  8. LOL! I agree. What does that mess have to do with the energy crisis, economy or foreign affairs. Just people love rumors and conspiracies.  

  9. Bristol is only seventeen years old!

    So much for abstinence only and Mrs. Palin's supposed family values. She is surface gloss only, no substance. She is just a celebrity face, she is just like the Spears family. Sick.

    What a mistake we made choosing her.

    I'll vote BOB BARR.

  10. There are other reasons disqualifying her.

    Even George W. Bush doesn't deny the existence of global warming anymore. Sarah Palin does.

    Dumb people might think that the global warming is not caused by humans. However, Sarah Palin denies its existence completely.

    I really care about the problems of her brats.

  11. They won't.

    I can't wait to hear what other c**p will come out of this one.

  12. Its' funny, Yahoo Answers is full of lies and Rumors about Obama, but its not acceptable when its a Republican.

    As a party of "Family Values" I thinking the typical should be outraged buy this news. I guess Family Values only applies to non  Republican Families

    If Obama had a seventeen year old daughter pregnant. What would be said then?    

  13. thats what im wondering too...i feel for the daughter its bad enough to be called a s**t many times over the youngest baby of her mother but now for her pregnancy to be headline news makes it even harder im sure...we sure arent as a country giving the same respect to them as we have obamas kids..and its a arent running for office..and alot of kids throughout history have had kids..i wonder how many people on here are from a similar situation or have had their own kids in one...its time to stop throwing rocks...

  14. you have a link for that?  i have up to the minute news on my homepage, and i've not seen that.

    edit.  i stand corrected.  so now can we say that Palin approves of statutory?

  15. The lib bible Daily Kos dropped the smears finally.  'Cause they knew it made them look even dumber then usual.

  16. I hope she doesn't try to preach to others about the value of abstinence only in schools.

    BTW, the photos involved were before the child named Trig's birth.

  17. The 9/11 Truther crazies never went away. The left won't let their false smear against Palin go away either.

  18. Trust me the lemings will now jump all over her parenting techniques, and her family, it's just what the scums of the country do, it's in their nature.

  19. I can't believe all the remarks on here about Palins parenting.  Is this young girl the only young girl in America to become pregnant?  No.  Is parents always responsible for the actions of their children?  No.  They should give this a rest before it comes back and bites them in their own life.  This only makes Palin even more admirable for standing by her child.  

  20. doesn't change the fact that Palin wasn't a good enough mother to provide guidance and direction to keep her daughter from getting pregnant at 17.  perhaps instead of running for any sort of office, she should spend time with the other four children to keep them from having children as children.

    instead of trying to get into the white house, she needs to take care of her house

  21.   The best way to drop this rumor would be to stop bringing it up.

  22. Oh dear, my poor old grey head is spinning.

    Conservative, no s*x before marriage, and only for procreations lovers all over the world are in a dither.

    What to do?  If they forgive, will they have to forgive Edwards?  If they show kindness, what about Craig?

    Oh dear, the hypocrisy meter is about to bust.

    Excuse me, all you leave the kids alone people, where were you when Chelsea was 'being pimped out by her mother"

    Which turned out to be speaking on the campaign trail.

    Or is it only Repubican children we are supposed to let do whatever?

  23. What happened to O Bamba's mother who married a black guy who already was married and had other children.

  24. It still doesn't explain why the daughter was out of school for 5 to 8 months, and let's face it, the rumors had some grain of truth.

    I don't think the rumor mill was half as vicious as the Rove machine about McCain's daughter. It was just speculation.

  25. The Democrats are scared of her . She is more an American then they .

  26. I would never attack the daughter, but it just goes to show you that not even high "morality" households prevent teenage pregnancies apparently.

    No one is immune unfortunately. Hopefully the daughter undergoes a safe pregnancy and still finishes school.  

  27. betcha that obama will personally do the abortion to keep her from

    being punished!

  28. can we drop the comments about Obama being a terrorist, muslim, communist, socialist too????

  29. I guess I would ask about the moral teachings in her home and point out that this is what happens when a parent is against birth control.  So much for the abstinence solution.

    And I wonder if the marriage was planned prior to her nomination?

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