
Can we ever be a force for change in this world and are you willing to try?

by Guest45469  |  earlier

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Can we ever be a force for change in this world and are you willing to try?




  1. I do believe that we could change the world, but the only downside that not enough people want to change it or are just to lazy to actually do anything about it

  2. Ive been trying , been voting libertarian for over 17 years

  3. It depends on what you want to change.  It may be something I don't agree with.

  4. Change cannot come by force. It can only come by choice.

    And yes, I strive daily to help people make different choices, and to try and create better lives for themselves -- but that cannot be forced.

  5. what is this "We" to which you are referring?

    I have been a force of change in this world by participating in it, raising my children, doing good whenever possible.

    How about you?

    Instead of whining about it, go do something good.

  6. To quote Yoda, "There is no try - there is Do or No Do".

    I state that I am the possibility of positive force for people.  Do I have days when I fail, yes.  Do I have have many more days when I succeed, absolutely.

    Do I try?  yes, but then I fail.  But the days that I claim it for myself, the failure just doesn't seem to be there.

  7. Yes, we can bring about change.  Look around you.  People are changing the world all the time.  Find something you love and work to make it grow.

  8. I am trying all the time.

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