
Can we expect a civilized society in India if 80% of Indians are living under ##Question_Title##.5 USD per day?

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As per BBC, 80% of the Indians live on 20 rupees a day.

20.00 INR = $0.511247 USD as per




  1. ask to yourself....and what does this bbc got to do anything with Indian civilization? it don't even know about the current stock exchange figures of its own country.

    Just highlighting decades old news on its channel time n again.

  2. mal.nabanita is a crook... big fraud. Look at all his/her answers. This person seems to be from India. He/She would visit a particular section and then give the same answer to each question: ""

    Whenever this person visitis the category of Indian tourism the answer to each question is either:

    "" or ""

    For answers to the questions in sub-categories in India, the answer would be:

    “www.<state>” or "" etc

    This is just the ridiculous way of earning points and violates the yahoo community rules and very irritating too. I have ereported this to yahoo but it seems they are more worried about being takenover by Microsoft.

    Please people, let’s all report this person mal.nabanita to yahoo so he/she can be blocked and prevented from ruining this community.

  3. 'Civilized' society ,I feel, has only a limited relavence to what one earns for livelihood. In rural areas people earn much less and they are very polite , civil and helpful without expectations and have certain values.This is in marked constrast to urban areas.

    Tolerence, contentment , cultural values contribute to a large extent to a civilized society rather than the earnings. This is proved in our own India wherein the society was comparatively much more civilized decades back than what it is now .

  4. Did not understand how you relate civilization with per day avarage spending.

    I have seen millionairs spitting "paan" on the streets of metro cities, have seen the most clean tribal village in Jharkhand.

    I am well travelled to US, UK, China and South East Asia. Even in the context of developed country I couldn't relate your  civilized society.

    Today's Gas price in State of CA is $3.23/galon, that makes Rs.24 a litter. Do they spend more for gas compared to me spending Rs.52 a litter (with 30% tax paid money, so I need to earn Rs.67.6 to buy a litter of gas)?

    Civilized socity is a system where the stakeholder should be both private and public and make it happen. If we all work towards that, it hardly matters how much an avarage Indian spends per day.

  5. India will never become civilized, because its population is constantly getting bigger. I think BBC has gotten the data wrong, but India still has like 25% of its population in poverty.

  6. That's wrong!

    I am an average spending person from Kerala State.

    Few of my daily Expenses (calculated average/day)

    Food Rs 100

    Petrol Rs 150

    Phone Rs 100

    House Rent Rs 100 (i stay at my own place, rough figure)

    So you need 10$ per day


    William S.Paul


    Kerala Travel Port Magazine

    Cochin, Kerala.


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