
Can we expect to have a decent summer this year London and the UK?

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Last year was, well diabolical. If we are gonna have another depressingly cr*p summer like last year, i wanna be prepared for it (I'll stock up on booze and class A drugs so i can be semi-conscious through the whole depressing affair).

Please provide a source for your information if possible





  1. i hope so i love the summer and the longer it takes to get hear the longer its gona last hopefully

  2. The summer of 2003 was hot and dry. Last year was just Nature's way of compensating. Not every summer is picture-perfect.

  3. I like chaos.  I like cloud.  I like stormy weather.  It makes me proud.

  4. I agree.


    It ain't half boring to wake up to endlessly blue skies with morning sun beating down thru the curtains at you every bloomin day!  every day!

    I do love a bit of drama in the climate, but not the extremes we've seen in Burma etc. Stock up on booze regardless, for rainy days keep a bloke handy and spend time in bed.

  5. Can it be more depressing than autumn/winter? So far the sun has been out in London quite a fair bit.

    If things do take a bad turn, spare some money and take a cheap flight to ibiza, mallorca, or any of the other British-playgrounds in Spain. Plenty of cheap booze there too, and great weather.

  6. better than last but that would,nt be to hard would it

  7. were you away for the 3 days of sunshine.if so you miss summer in london town this year.

  8. I've already checked out a few long-range weather forecsts for the UK 2008 Summer.

    Long-range forecasts by their very nature are usually quite vague, but you can get a basic 65-70% accurate forecast in most cases.  Compare this to the 85% of accuracy 24hours in advance, and it's not so bad.

    The long-range forecast for the 2008 Summer in UK - May (which we've nearly had) predicted a period of 'high' temps near the beginning of the month then cooling down.  

    Very typical of May - it's either, "in like a lion and out like a lamb" or the complete reverse.

    First swallow observed over my house on 12 May A.M.

    First swift (London summer bird) observed over my house on 13 May A.M.

    And NO, they are're not early.  Swallows and swifts arrive anytime from about mid-May through to June.

    WEATHER for June UK 08 - lower than usual temps and above average rain.

    WEATHER for July UK 08 - higher than average temps and lower than average rain.

    Check it out at this site : . . . .

    The above site have local weather 'observers' who can tell you what's happening where they live - bloody important if you want to sit on the beach in the rain etc. . . .no point in going if the sun is blazing down.  Last thing we want is to burn out feet on hot beach sand.

  9. I'm sorry to add to Your depression Young Lady but have You seen what is flying overhead these days

    White planes with no markings spreading Chem trails

    When You see them in Your area Check You Tube and compere

    Going to be same as last year I'm afraid


    In Your search Engine simply type in Chem Trails and take Your pick It's all fully explained

    I counted seventeen of these things Flying at 20.000 ft  in 45 minutes


    How did You already know they turn into " White Clowds "

    May this help

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