
Can we find Wisdom in a good, hearty Laugh ??

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Can we find Wisdom in a good, hearty Laugh ??




  1. Definitely, we're learning something good enough to give us a good, hearty laugh right?

  2. Yes. If it is your boss telling the jokes and your evaluation is sitting on his/her desk. It is wise to laugh and laugh heartily.

  3. I used to think so, but then I realized that humor always has a grain of truth in it and is usually at the expense of someone else.

    Ahhh, who am I kidding? I love making fun of people!

  4. If humility and connecting with yourself as someone with an actual sense of humor bring wisdom, then yes.  

    I'm usually an uptight nerd but when I laugh myself to tears at something stupid, I do feel wiser because it reminds me I'm human....and also that I shouldn't eat a lot of cauliflower at work, but more so the human thing.  Oh, my tummy...

  5. Yes... I found out that laughing at my problems makes me feel younger...

  6. Good hearty laugh is a dance of life energy during

    egoless state.

  7. Did you hear the one about the agnostic dislexic who tossed and turned all night wondering if there really was a Dog?

    Or how about the Zen Master who approached a hot dog vendor and said, "Make me one with everything."

    A priest, a rabbi and an imam walk into a bar and the bartender says, "What is this, some kind of a joke?"

    Ah well, no one has ever called me a wise man (although I've certainly been called a wiseguy.)

  8. No you cannot find wisdom "in" a good hearty laugh for a reason that good hearty laugh IS a Wisdom order to look for it within you will dissect a Wisdom..wisdom divided is not a wisdom any longer, thus no more laugh expected...

  9. ...I was thinking this same thing the other day when I was sitting on my back porch listening to my son's laughter at some silly videos...he was having good innocent fun and this can be a wise choice, indeed

  10. A good hearty laugh can make any frown face smile, what more wisdom does one need to celebrate spirituality my friend?



  11. we sure can!


    ( changing my answer to no) lol

  12. yes, definitely more wisdom than we would find by pitying ourselves!

  13. Always.

  14. Laughter always makes others happy.

    Research has shown the more you laugh, the longer you live.

  15. A good hearty laugh usually comes after Wisdom.

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