
Can we fix the disparity in income in the U.S. ?

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If like CEO's should get like $12 per hour like everyone else and the university professors made a little more ?

Can Obama make the change for us ?




  1. Yes, and socialism has been so successful anywhere it's been tried! (sar)

    With out the ability and freedom to be allowed to succeed to seemingly exuberant levels no one succeeds.

    When the best is paid as much as the worst, there is no reason to be the best.

  2. I doubt it. It would take someone with a little more courage and  more radical than Obama.

  3. What would be the incentive to be a CEO if they only got $12 an hour. Your sounding more like communism when you talk about everyone getting similar pay. This is America and you can do what you want and earn what you want, that is all up to you. I sure hope Obama would never try to change the American way towards Communism.

  4. This is a free-market economy.  You are paid the amount of money others feel you are worth.

    If your area of expertise is highly sought after, you'll make a lot of money.  

    If you are uneducated and unskilled, and a zillion other people can do what you do, you can not demand high wages.

    Now, do you not think this is a fair way of doing things?

  5. Your recommendation IS the answer.

    Pay everyone the same.

    Oh, and while you are at it, let everyone work as little as the guy who only earns $12.00 / Hr.

    Then we can ALL starve and die of diseases just like all those people in third world countries.

    Your ideas are just WONDERFUL !!!!!

  6. Why would he want to take such a huge pay cut?

  7. Only if you would like socialism. When that happens, there really is no reason to go to college for 12 years to be a doctor if you can make as much as a garbage man. All of a sudden there will be no one willing to do the hard jobs that take a ton of education and lots of sleepless nights. University professors make plenty for working maybe an hour a day. They should be the ones making $12 an hour.

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