
Can we fold time?

by Guest67131  |  earlier

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WoW ...but tell me how?




  1. yea... take a watch and fold it.

  2. No, we cannot fold time.

    We can however alter the rate at which we pass through time.

    The greater one's velocity, the slower one perceives time.

    Anything traveling at the speed of light in a vacumn (only energy, not matter, may travel at this speed) will not experience time.

    Nothing may exceed this velocity, therefore, we may not travel backwards in time.

    Gravity also affects time.

    If you get very very close to a black hole, time will move slower.

    Once again, we may not travel backwards in time.

    As an unrelated point, here is a Limerick I found:

    There was a young lady named Bright,

    Who could travel much faster than light.

    She set off one day

    In a relative way

    And returned on the previous night.

  3. Let me sit on it for a minute!

  4. this question have to be involved within fields of mathematics,

    but heres a humble approach to it,

    Symmetry is often described as invariance under a group of transformations. An unspoken assumption about symmetry in Euclidean 3-space is that the transformations involved are continuous. Diamond theory rejects this assumption, and in so doing reveals that Euclidean symmetry may itself be invariant under rather interesting groups of noncontinuous (and asymmetric) transformations. (These might be called noncontinuous groups, as opposed to so-called discontinuous (or discrete) symmetry groups

  5. Perhaps in the future.

  6. If you instantaniously arrive to the speed of light for 60 seconds then for 60 seconds travel at twice the speed of light, you will have come to the chronological point of the start of your journey n't this folding time?

  7. No, not at this time. but perhaps in the future we will be able to. And then they could travel back to this time...and then my answer will change to yes.

  8. Time is like a invisible accordion that has no boundaries and under certain conditions folds or warps past each dimension.

  9. Probably. It would be nice to know what you have in mind.

    "Look mommy, I can make a paper crane out of time!"

    "Joe, what did I tell you about playing origami with the fabric of time?"

    But really, I imagine that soon enough we will start doing weird things with time and probably kill a few scientists in the process, which is very sad. Who knows, though? Maybe in the future I will be able to go back and say to myself, "Don't go in that room, there is a crazy man with a chocolate bar and he will try to attack me." Whether there is a man with a chocolate bar or not is irrelevant. Maybe I just didn't want to go in the room and I made up a lame excuse.

    I bet it would annoy people more than anything when you make a paper airplane out of time and start throwing it around. What if it hits someone? That would annoy me. If I were you I would tell your past self not to do that.

    My future self is telling me not to include the next paragraph, so I won't.
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