
Can we foster? I am 23 and would be the primary/sole carer. My Wife is 20, Would I/we still be able to foster?

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Can we foster? I am 23 and would be the primary/sole carer. My Wife is 20, Would I/we still be able to foster?




  1. I am a kid whose mum is a foster carer, shes a single parent so i dont see why not (it is a good job, the only downside is meetings, and inspections)

  2. It all really depends on the state laws where you live. You should contact your county's Human Services department and see what they have to say. In Michigan the county contracts with private agencies. We had to contact the agency we liked best and go through training and the licensing process. Your best bet is to take a look at your states website. There should be an FAQ section or child foster care.

  3. you should be able to as long as you have a safe environment but im not social services so you would have to apply and they will check you out

  4. providing you can offer a warm loving home, you should be able to, just know its gonna be tough, but good luck, and good on you for wanting too

  5. It depends on a lot more than just age. You should call the agency you want to go through, and they can give you a list of qualifications.

  6. I agree with uknative.

    Although there no legal age, some councils may be looking for over 21's - but by the time you've chatted to them about it and applied etc which I should imagine is a long process your wife will be 21 by then anyway!

    It's great what you are wanting to do, so don't give up hope at a little barrier like age!

    My partner and I won custody of his two children who were 3 and 5, a judge awarded us custody with me being the main carer for them and I was just 19, so age is just a number! - it's about your maturity, and being able to provide a warm loving environment for the child and being a good role model for them.

    best wishes with it all.

    Rebecca x

  7. I dont think the age factor matters at all as long as you have steady Income and a stable loving enviorment that a child can be raised in an can adapt and also be finacially ready you and your wife sound like the perfect couple and could really be a childs blessing so dont get discouraged about your age.  Do what ever you need to do to go to the next step because being a foster parent or even adopting is major but goodluck you will be blessed .

  8. it might vary by state...I know in wsiconsin you must both be 21 and may only get small kids or babies as you might also be 15 years older than the kids you get.

  9. I guess rules are different everywhere. I think here you have to both be 25, but look into it. :)

  10. Yes!  and stay-at-home dads are the best!

    Contact your local authority, they are always looking for foster carers

    Best wishes

  11. You can foster. You have to go through the classes and they will come out and check to make sure you home is right and they will call when they have a child ready to be in your home. Age doesnt matter as long as you can provide for this child. I have a freind that is 21 almost 22 and her huaband is 23/24 and they three little boys right now that live with them. Just go and take the classes. Godo luck:)

  12. Are you rich?

    If not then dont foster

    Seriously, in 20 years time youl look back and say "If only wed listened to that guy on Yahoo! Answers"


  14. Yes, I don't think there are many restrictions. You have to be over 21. it does not seem to matter if you are married, single or g*y.

  15. I'm assuming that you're in the UK, and this is from the BAAF (British Assocation for Adoption and Fostering) website (link below): 'There is no official age limit for fostering, although a fostering agency would expect you to be mature enough and have the health and stamina to meet the demands of caring for somebody else’s child, and to be able to work with a range of agencies and professionals. For these reasons, more mature adults are usually preferred, and some agencies tend not to recruit carers beyond retirement age.....'  The site contains lots of useful information.  I have, however, seen council sites that specify a minimum age of 21, so the requirements must vary.  Good luck.

  16. It's hard to say! You just have to go and apply. A lot of times with foster parents there are a whole list of qualifications you have to met. Unfortunately age is a small portion of it.

  17. Age is no barrier to fostering, what is important is a stable caring loving home. Get in touch with Social Services and they will send you a pack which will give you all the info you need to start applying.

  18. Based on what I've read about bad foster parents I think you are more than qualified.  Do you have a job?

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