
Can we generate power from tidal waves for commercial use?

by Guest34120  |  earlier

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Can we generate power from tidal waves for commercial use?




  1. This kind of energy is being used in the North West of France for over more than 30 years in a big tidal wave dam using the tide energy 2 times x 24 hours. However at the time of its creation it was not further developed due to the cheap price of fossil fuels and the boycot of the oil maffia. However at present lots of experimental devices are being tested mainly in Scotland, and maybe this kind of technology is on the way back.

  2. we can generate power from tidal or wave  motions that is much more gentle and controllable .a tidal wave is a force out of controll

    In Ireland they got some big balls floating in the sea and their movements with the movements of the sea generate electricity

  3. i have to agree with the poster above me. In Manhattan, NY, we have begun installing giant fans, almost similiar to a wind turbine, under the east river. The current is so strong in the East River, it propels the water turbines thus generating a small amount power for nearby neighborhoods.

    The problem with mass implementation of such technology at the moment is its price and the resistance from fossil fuel corporations to incorporate such

  4. yes, some places in Florida are experimenting with this right now.  Currently there are two different ways to do it.  1. I giant propeller that spins in the tide, and 2. a net like object that flows with the tide that creates another wave that we can tap into.

  5. It is being done in Holland and other country.

  6. It is being done in a few places (more as an experiment than a commercially viable generator).  The further north you go the higher the tides are.  The most promising way is to let water into a bay during high tide and close the gate.  Water can later be released just like in a hydro-electric d**n.

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