
Can we get good Abs just by swimming and nothing else?

by Guest31954  |  earlier

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lam slightly over weight my height is 5'6 and iam weighing 75 Kgs.I also have a tummy .Iam doing swimming since 30 days ,but i have no change in my shape .How to loose fat over my belly by simple exercises .




  1. first step=cardio to lose some weight.

    running and swimming are excellent ways.

    second step is once you're done with ur weight loss in the tummy, tone up with sit up, crunches, ab exercises etc

  2. No. You need to incorporate exercise with a good diet. For a good diet eat a variety of foods. Try to eat fruits, vegetable, nuts, chicken every day. Try a salad for lunch. Stay away from all fast food. Dieting doesn't mean starving yourself just cut out unnecessary elements.

  3. to see those abs you need to shed body fat to a low 5% for men and !4% for women. swimming is just one way of losing weight but you won't see your abs just by doing that.  you need to do some abs exercises to tone the muscles in your mid section.

  4. bicycle situps will really work the abs.

    Also swimming butterfly correctly will work your abs.

  5. Great abs can be developed only by doing land exercises--sit ups, or lying on your back and raising your legs in slow fashion.

    3-5 repetitions of 20-50 sit-ups, twice daily will change you in 2 months. You will feel some strain during the initial 2 weeks, so slow down as necessary.

    Swim the front crawl and butterfly twice a week unless you are training for a competition, when 5-6 days are ideal. You will automatically loose fat at your waist after two months or so, if u adhere closely to the programme. Cheers!!

  6. Join a club.

    That way you will really push yourself and get an even better workout with the extra motivation. Just swimming lengths by yourself is probably only going to give you results if you're experienced and know good drills and sets.

    Trust me, by finding a group of swimmers and a coach, you will push yourself much harder and get a strong body (arms, legs, and abs) in a few months!

  7. why not

  8. u must swim for 1 hour atleast for burning some extra calories, also have a good diet food & control on your tounge......

  9. yeah well basically i swim too and you definately need to do some crunches and core workouts first to work up the muscle tone...once you do that all you  need to do is then work of the layers of fat over the ab muscles and swim is a good way of doing that cuz its cardio which burns fat and calories and oh also try running cuz that is faster and eat healthy but dontstress im sure your beautiful the way you are! :-)

  10. a competitive swimmer and i have friends call me a pig cause i eat more than guys..the point is..swimming back and forth in ur pool is not  gonna burn the belly fat..u have to do intense swimming...i would recommend crunches..plain and a little googling and find out some good exercises that burn belly fat...i no they hurt and their boring but on the off seasons i do them.. and they work...u have to be really disiciplined tho. u can't b ez on urself

  11. swimming is brilliant because it burns tone of calories and tones everything. however if you feel you need a little more attention to your tummy do 16 sit-ups a day.

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