
Can we have a worldwide stock-taking of arms and ammunition incl detonating material?

by  |  earlier

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without ammunition no weapon can kill another person. Without the detonating material there shall be no blast aimed to kill people. It is the excess in production of the ammunitions and the detonating material which is the root cause of almost all evils . i strongly believe that the manufacturers of these items are in direct nexus with the terrorists, militants, anti-social elements.Let' have a world wide stock taking of the actual need of these ammunitions / detonating materials. we have the technology to track even each and every bullet/missile /shell utilised by the auth agency like army /para military /police. Unused ammunitions as well as guns are clean-exchanged by the civilians as well as service personnel for wealth in kind or cash which are then misused. Let's start from India.




  1. Refer IISS, SIPRI and Jane's annual reports

  2. No, we can't.

    There is no organization with authority to do so.

  3. yes

  4. That is a good idea. The rogue nations will put spokes in this noble effort.

  5. What the heck have you been smokin', Pal?

    Ain't gonna happen. Not now, not ever. Why? Just ask

    some third world country to account for all their ammo.

    What possible reason would they have for complying?

    The Russians have been stockpiling weapons since

    before WWII. They still have T-34 tanks hanging around.

    Can you imagine them saying...."Hmmm, let's count

    every gun and bullet we have, and then freely pass that

    information around in the hope that it will influence the

    global arms race"?

    We can't even get that sort of accounting from our OWN


  6. waste of time, we can utilise the time for eliminating them.

  7. Perhaps we could dump all of our weapons to the bottom of the ocean...then the world will know we really want peace....yeah- right.....and the bad guys woud follow our lead:(

  8. Do you have any idea how much time and labour and money it would take to carry out this half-baked scheme, or what a pointless exercise it would be.

  9. No Nation is foolish enough to give up that information.

  10. NO I would rather not participate in world wide enserfment/enslavement based upon world wide disarmament.  Disarmed People are politically weak people.  This a fact that will not be denied.   T

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