
Can we hear about a Pit Bull owner that has owned Pits for ten years and maintains they are no more hazard?

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No more tenacious or life threatening than other breeds? That they never owned a Pit that was kind and loveable to all and by age three had turned on it's owner or attacked neighbors? No warning, no clue that the potential for rage was in the dog? Pit owners with long experiance only please answer.




  1. I have only owned one pit- His name was Chevy , he was white with Brindle spots.I rescued him from the pound.Chevy lived to be 11 and never showed agression twards a dog or a human. The worst thing he ever did was eat my recliner.... He was a wonderfull dog

  2. I don't think any breeder can say that they've never bred a pit bull that hasn't bit anyone...

  3. Pit Bulls were bred to be DOG aggressive.  Not PEOPLE aggressive.  

    If you honestly believe that dogs (of any breed) "turn on people" you really should just stay away from them all together.

    No dog just wakes up one day and decides to be vicious unless they have sustained some kind of neurological damage.

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