
Can we help me???????????????????

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sorry for my mistake but I am not American

this is my question:

i like MMA but in my country MMA is not know and I want to practise in this sport...

can I do for the moment something that can help me in the future if a gym of MMA open in my city?(I don't want be a professional,only an amateur)

in my city there are a lot of course but only two gym are very good,the two gym teach one judo and the other western boxing......

the other course are thai boxe,japan jiujitsu,wing chun and reality based

but they do it for only 2 hours a week(and in my opinion it is not much)

can I practise in judo for grappling or it is not good for MMA?

because in MMA the grappling is usually brasilian jiu jitsu

and for the striking what we suggest?

sorry for the mistake once more but I am Italian




  1. I think you should practice judo and study the grappling techniques because it could be a very useful technique in brasilin jiu jitsu.

  2. Hello I am sorry if I answer this question wrong because I sometimes misunderstand things but maybe you should train in a few different arts I have been taking a japanese style martial art for about 2 years and I only started taking it to protect myself but I fell in love with it so maybe you should try some other courses and see if you like them more than MMA. I really hope this helps if it doesn't then I am sorry. PS- I'm american and I make mistakes all the time so don't blame the mistake on being italian blame ti on being a human because mistakes are what make us humans.

  3. Judo would be perfect for MMA training.  Judo uses lots of throws, locks and submissions which are all very useful in the ring.  The standing clinch is the most under-practiced part of MMA fighting.

    Western boxing also would be good - you need punches and defense, but you will need to learn kicking that is not taught in western boxing.  You need a good striking art that includes kicks, knees, and elbows.

    I recommend Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) - I know it is cliche, but it works. And many of the Muay Thai concepts work quite well with judo, especially the standing throws and clinching.

    If you can train both - go for it.  If not, I would stick to judo first and a striking art later.

    Good luck.  Buona Fortuna!

  4. Judo is commonly used and is a very effective form of wrestling. for striking muay thai is fine but i would recommend boxing, which is most effective at teaching you how to strike hard and fast

  5. Your english is really good. Though there were obvious mistakes, it was easily understood. I say practice Judo. Judo will transition the best into your MMA career. MMA just means mixed martial arts, so just because there isn't a MMA school, doesn't mean that you can't train in more than one martial arts.

    Il vostro inglese è realmente buono. Benchè ci siano errori evidenti, è stato capito facilmente. Dico il Judo di pratica. Transizione di volontà di Judo il la cosa migliore nella vostra carriera di MMA. MMA significa appena le arti martial mixed, così appena perché ci non è una scuola di MMA, non significa che non potete addestrare più di nelle arti martial una.

  6. MMA stands for "mixed martial arts".  That means you take a bunch of different martial arts and mix them together to make your own fighting style.

    It's true that many MMA fighters use BJJ, but they do not use only BJJ.  Furthermore, BJJ is a form of Judo (from before it became a "sport") which emphasizes ground-fighting.

    I suggest you study at the jiu jitsu school.  Any school you study at should give a good introduction into martial arts (and fighting) in general, however Jiu jitsu includes ground-fighting more than the other styles.

    If you feel that 2 hours a week is not enough, you can always join another school as well- I would suggest thai boxing or wing chun.

  7. The good martial artist knows that we can only truly help we's self.

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