
Can we help stop global warming?

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i believe in recycling etc but the question is do things like this actually help the earth?

will all the ice have melted in 50 years time?




  1. " No the powers that be are only interested in lining there own pockets , no matter what the cost "

  2. we recycle are yogurt pots china builds another coal fired power station........whats the point  

  3. Global warming has NOTHING to do with US, the media wants you to believe that because there is money to be made. Earth is warming up because we are approaching the centre of the universe according to the Mayan calendar, everything will be centered in our universe Dec 21st 2012 11:11AM GMT.

  4. Nobody really knows. There isn't enough data out there; plus, global warming is unpredictable. Nobody knows if the earth goes through phases or if this is linked to greenhouse gases. I tell you what will help tremendously. That would be solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, and magnetic power. The ozone layer can replenish itself naturally. The problem is that there are more CFC's being omitted into the atmosphere faster than it can replace itself. Furthermore, when I think of alternative energy, not only do I think about saving the environment. I also think about creating lots of new jobs and bringing the economy out of the tank.

  5. you have nothing to worry about, global warming isn't going to happen, if you dont believe me, believe god when he said he wouldn't flood the earth again... exactly what would happen if global warming existed

  6. Recycling helps against consuming too much of earth's resources, but it won't stop global warming. The same is true for different methods of energy saving and alternative energy sources. Pollution and warming caused by people of course have a local effect, globally I don't believe that we can help much. The global warming and other climate changes are mainly  caused by natural phenomenon, not humans. Sun activity, vulcanos, storms etc. have far more impact in one direction or the other.

    Don't know about the ice but I believe that it does not melt.

  7. recycling does help the earth however global warming is caused by natural gases so in order to stop global warming you need to stop the gases being released and that pretty hard to do.=) and no the ice will not melt and be gone in 50 years however it will stay pretty much the same size ( melt a little then frezze and start all over again!)

  8. the recycling is minor. what is major is to stop burning fossil fuel. on the second question, i'd have to say that nobody actually knows for sure. it's dependent on changes we make, such as ethanol utilization, fossil fuel, plus what else we do. it could be 60 or 100 years.

  9. YES, WE CAN.

    I've just finished watching this documentary, which was passed on to me and I in turn feel the need to pass on, so If you care about our planet and the people living on it and haven't watch it yet, I think you should.

    It's really eye-opening and at the same time inspiring, and in my opinion should be passed around to as many people as possible, so please watch it!

    If you'd rather watch it on You Tube to be able to enlarge the picture, then go to: story of stuff english&emb=1&aq=f#q=the story of stuff&emb=1

    It's the top little screen on the left hand-side called The Story of Stuff and it's 21min long.

  10. Lots of people recycle things, but that doesn't necessarily make them AGW supporters.  Recycling helps keep the planet cleaner, but I don't think it does much to prevent global warming, because global warming is a natural process that happens every so often.  It's most likely caused solely by the suns activity.  The sun goes through cycles too, don't forget.

    I'm sure we'll still have just as much ice, if not more, in the future.  It's not going to melt away.


  11. We can help slow GW to what it would be naturally, but cannot stop it.   Recycling, cutting down on energy use, HAVING FEWER KIDS, buying more efficient appliances all help a little.

  12. cant stop something that your not causing  

  13. perhaps we can stop global warming if we can learn to stop volcanoes erupting.and they reckon cars cause pollution. whatever. i wonder how much exhast fumes one volcano is equivelant to?

  14. I recycle, but not because of global warming. Just because I think it's the right thing to do. No need to fill up our landfills when we can reuse. I personally don't believe that humans are the cause of global warming. I think it's just a cycle that the earth is going through, and us trying to stop this cycle is so ridiculous. I don't blame myself, and neither should anyone else.

  15. No we can not stop "global warming"  weather patterns come and go and there is nothing we can do about it. The ice cap have been receding for thousand of years, six thousand years ago the ice reached as far south as Italy the Mediterranean sea was formed by melting ice, the North Sea was formed by melting ice, the Titanic was sunk by a piece of melting ice. Thousands of years ago the Grand Canyon was under water until the weather patterns of the day dried it up. There is nothing wrong with recycling but it has no effect on our weather  

  16. Who told that we need to stop global warming? Who told that earth needs help?

  17. we could stop speeding it up by recycling etc.

    also the sun is getting hotter which just adds to global warming

  18. hi

  19. It is extremely unlikely that much more ice will melt than already has. Why because during the skandic and medieval warm periods that lasted for over 800 years it got considerably warmer than it has any time in the last 200 years and all the ice did not melt then even though large portions of the Arctic ocean were ice free and open for navigation by the Vikings and others. In 50 years it could even be as cold as it was 150 years ago.

    We do not know because climate keeps changing and people have nothing to do about it unless we can learn to control the output of the great big light bulb we call the sun that produces all of our heat.

  20. [quote]"I personally don't believe that humans are the cause of global warming".[/quote]


    if we have lots of people with that kind of mentality, global warming will not stop. humans have been here on earth for just a while compared to dinosaurs  yet managed to changed it more that any other creature. one must understand how all this progress and development is affecting our climate.

    if global warning cannot be stopped at least we must take actions to slow it down. even a little effort is better than no effort at all. as one we can do it.

  21. Yes, recycling helps, especially things like aluminium cans, which take around a 1/20th of the energy to recycle as it does to produce from new. Composting and associated production of methane can save landfill and produce a valuable fuel. If it were to escape into the air methane is a potent greenhouse gas, ten times more polluting than carbon dioxide.

    We all have individual responsibility to live more sustainably. If we all replace our old fashioned light bulbs with energy savers and try and ensure the places where you work and shop do the same, it will help.

    Change to a supplier of green energy. In the UK it will not cost you any more.

    If you have to use a car, think about moving to hybrid fuel. Work out the maths of whether the cost of replacement batteries every 3 or 4 years is offset by the petrol saved. At £1.20 per litre in the UK, this now makes more sense than 2 or 3 years ago.

    Will all the ice melt. Well most climatologists believe that it will, unless we change our habits and reduce or greenhouse gas production.

    Finally, support the Green Movement and learn as much as you can about the issues.  

  22. Yes, lets all switch our computers off lol

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