
Can we identify everyone cheering Rev. Wright's hateful sermons?

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I would love to have a list posted on Internet.




  1. I totally support what he said. USA has needlessly murdered more than 100,000 innocent people and sees nothing wrong. not only that millions are out of a home, starving, left with permanent trauma, and no chance of having a decent lifestyle.

    If the Dumbass Warmongers of the USA who support this needless war can't see the harm and atrocities they are committing, then God d**n America. Americans that support this war are worse terrorists than the Muslim terrorists.

  2. He's not hateful.   He's hurting.  He was mistakenly living in the past when blacks were subjugated by US society.

    Things are better now.

  3. Would be nice too, to have a list with race in parenthesis by the name, of all racists, then a list with parenthesis by race, of all who are sick of it, which I bet would be longer.  We could then know with whom to progress.

  4. I would love to see video of every entrance into the church to see who is entering and who is exiting 24/7.

  5. How very ironic that your "question" confirms black folks worst suspicions and validates the good Reverend's position.

  6. Put my name on the list!  Let me sign it like John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence.  Our schools are as segregated today as they were in 1968, even more so if you consider socio-economic status.  Minorities in this country are being given short shrift, all to benefit of the very wealthiest.  How about we start working on the income gap in this country, and making opportunity truly equal, instead of having massive numbers or people stuck in poverty, humiliation and despair (just so ExxonMobil can post another record profit).

  7. I don't agree with what he said about somethings, but if other people do, why is it wrong?  America is a free country, where anyone can attend the church of his choice, so even if we had a list of all the people in attendance, what would you do with it?  Give them a dirty look if you saw them on the street? Is his sermon hateful because he knows that America has bombed many places in the world w/out 'batting an eye', or is it because he once again confirms the fact that yes, black people are infact everyday still dicrimanated against mainly by white people?

    Actually, the fact that you would love to have a list posted on the internet is implying that you yourself is a hateful person...

  8. Rev Wright is not hateful. Seeking social progress is not hateful.

    Idiots like you are hateful. You want hate? Go listen to a white preacher like Falwell or Robertson.

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