
Can we learn anything about sustainability by studying natural cycles?

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Can we learn anything about sustainability by studying natural cycles?




  1. yes

    when it come to growing things and sustainability Nature is our Best teacher.

    Having experimented with and fine tuned eco systems,for millions of years,ending up with perfect combinations that last the longest.

    Modern day farming, the chemical human way has proved to be non sustainable ,working well for only a few years but deteriorating rapidly over time ,and becoming addicted t the chemicals in the process.

    Some ancient forms of agriculture ,such as the Egyptian ,South and Central American civilizations followed Natures

    methods and has sustainable agriculture that lasted a thousand years

    All these civilizations followed cosmic movements ,to guide them as to when to plant.

    Rudolph Steiner was the genius pioneer in our time who had worked it out to the day as to when to plant individual vegetables ,depending on which star was where .

    Many of our ancient agricultural festivals coincide with the natural cycles ,whether it be for harvesting or planting.

    Permaculture is a sustainable Philosophy that takes Nature as an example,following natural energy flows and enhancing upon them.

    Employing the principle of niches ,companion,diverse and guild planting.mulching ,water pest control

    All geared towards sustainability and utilization of resources and space.

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    Natural cycles give us guide lines as to when to plant and how,to achieve optimum results,with in climatic limits and time

    we can overstep these limits with the concept of niches or green houses ,extra nourishment such as compost ,and lights extending the growing time

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