
Can we learn fast enough to act with awareness, wisdom, and compassion?

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The question is poised through a link found on Indigo Development, the site listed on the link below.

The group is involved in interactive regional action planning, eco-industrial parks, sustainable agriculture, and more. The 2nd link takes you to their site on a Chinese Circular Economy Initiative that I found to be fascinating. You'd be hard pressed to find the term 'global warming' on their site, but the kinds of things they accomplish, on a larger scale, would help to address some of the underlying problems and sources.

Your thoughts on this company, the work they do, and it's potential for the future?




  1. 'industrial ecology' sounds well dodgy, but it's in 'the encyclopedia'

    so i guess its ok. sounds too much a big business led approach to be truly systemic, but every little helps.

  2. does that 'compassion' involve feeding the starving children that the environmentalist are working so hard to see come into being, as they cost their parents their jobs?

  3. "The laws of both thermodynamics and economics make a completely “Circular” Economy or closed-loop system impossible."

    As a geological engineer, I don't think the laws of thermodynamics apply to an economy.  That is simply gobblygook.

    Circular economy is more about circular reasoning.  They can't seem to get it in thier socialist heads that centralized planning is a guarantee for failure.  China has created deserts in much of its farmland due to very poor farming practices but much of this was done under centralized planning, and the Maoist revolution.

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