
Can we live with no moon?

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all we know that moon has influence in tides and other facts in nature but can we really live without it?




  1.   The lunatics are the only ones that would make any radical changes.

  2. The question was "can we live" not live comfortably !!!   I would say YES life would survive in some form, but it wouldnt be much fun... without the tides weather would alter radically, and depending on how we "lost" the moon, our orbit around the sun may change to our detriment.

  3. Tides would be limited to what the Sun generates.

    The Moon also seems to be involved with preventing the axial tilt from wandering too far.  However, axial tilt changes are pretty slow, and humans now adapt really fast.

    My guess is that we could live without it.

    I can't think of an easy mechanism to loose the Moon, however.  Hit it with something big in the solar system?

  4. Maybe for a while, but then the seasons get mixed!

  5. We can live without the moon but some aspects of the human race will be different to what us humans have accomplished now. Such as in 1969, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Without the moon, the human race would not have accomplished space travel in the same way as we have now.

  6. No we can't.  

  7. The Moon controls the tides. The tidal zone around shore lines may have been critical for the development of land based life so we might not be hear without the moon.

    I have also heard that the Moon helps stabilize the Earths rotation, but I don't understand how this works nor do I know how this even makes sense.

    If the moon were to magically disappear many species of animal like sea turtles, moths, and other nocturnal creatures would fall into disarray and probably go extinct. Tides would stop so many species along the coast line as well as land and sea animals that feed on them will die. If there is a stabilizing aspect of the Moon there will probably be much direr consequences I can't explain.


    Timmy S.'s answer is complete and utter bunk... my 8 year old brother could tell Timmy never got an C or above on a science test. The Moon and Sun acting like a magnet? Its called GRAVITY!

  8. no the moon affects all walks of life. People use it to tell the time, location and other places. Wildlife needs the moon to function correctly tides etc.

  9. who knows.  

  10. lunar light is a evolutionary aspect for several nocturnal animals.

  11. this isnt scientificly proven but since the moon and the sun form like a huge magnet to create effect on liquids  our bodies are 70% water, so we would have extinct like 5000 years ago since its known for human beings to be shortning over years, its also reliogiously said that Adam the first human was created 40 ft long

  12. For a while we could survive but the Moon acts as a stabilizer to keep the Earth from wobbling too much.  Without the Moon Earth would wobble and seasonal variations would be too extreme for the vast majority of life forms on the Earth.

    To test this wobble try standing up and spinning around.. You spin is probably not very smooth or stable.  Now make sure you have plenty of space around you.  take a heavy object , hold it out at ares length and begin to spin.. You should find your spin smooth and stable.  This is one of the things the Moon does for the Earth

  13. It probably had a lot to do with establishing life cycles here on Earth - the hatching and laying of eggs, mating times, hunting cycles, etc - but now that those cycles are established, if you were to blast the moon out of orbit, they would likely continue - although there would be changes - every night would be pitch black, tides would be much less, and so on. Probably some of those changes would wipe out some species that depend on lunar cycle for breeding, but life, by and large, would be unaffected.  

  14. No the whole earth would be anhialated by the sea!

  15. Life is extremely resilient and adapts to different conditions through the process of evolution.  So, without Moon life would be different, because many of the processes that depend on lunar influence such as tides or monthly cycles would not exist.  But life would still be possible, if would just have evolved differently.

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